Monday, June 30, 2008
Hair Care From the Inside Out
Most individuals recognize the fact that your hair is "dead" or at least not living however this is not entirely true. The follicle that produces your hair is part of your skin which is the biggest organ of your body, therefore it is directly affected by your lifestyle, your habits and your diet.Consumers are constantly looking for the next great hair product that promises to fix all their hair woos without realizing that building a healthy foundation is extremely important. Experimenting with different products is perfectly fine however many of us over look the fact that our hair health is determined by our over all health.In order for our body to function properly we must provide it with specific nutritional factors. For instance in order for our bones to stay healthy and strong we must take in a minimum amount of calcium and vitamin D. This premise is the same if we expect our body to produce strong healthy hair, there are certain requirements that must be met that has nothing to do with the type or brand of hair products we choose to use.1. Ribolflavin also known as Vitamin B2 is essential to the body and must be consumed on daily basis as it is water soluble meaning that it is not stored in the body. The functions of Vitamin B2 are numerous and include energy metabolism, red blood cell production, enzyme reactions, vision, health of skin (including hair and nails), and functions as an antioxidant. This vitamin can be found in dairy products, whole grains, eggs, nuts, meat, fortified cereals and dark green vegetables.2. Biotin or Vitamin B5 is also a water soluble vitamin which must be ingested on a daily basis. It is important for the synthesis of fat, glycogen, and amino acids, enzyme reactions, healthy hair and nails and DNA replication. This vitamin can be found in liver, yeast, nuts, egg yolks, soybeans, cauliflower and mushrooms.3. Deficiencies of Folic acid (Vitamin B9) can lead to hair loss. This water soluble vitamin can be found in foods such as citrus fruits, fortified cereals, nuts, legumes, and dark leafy vegetables.4. Deficiencies in Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) can lead to scurvy, this has not been a concern for many years but cases are becoming more common. Vitamin C can be found in citrus fruits, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, and red peppers.5. Iodine is necessary in making thyroid hormones, and symptoms of an under active thyroid can often be seen in hair health. Hair may be dry, brittle, limp, or in some cases thinning. It should be noted however these symptoms may also indicate an over active thyroid. Iodine can be found in salt, seafood, and sea vegetables such as kelp. This is becoming a greater issue because the use of salt has greatly decreased in an effort to combat high blood pressure.6. Iron deficiencies can also cause hair loss therefore ensure that you are getting enough in your diet. Iron can be found in many fruits and vegetables, meat, poultry, fish and fortified breads and cereals.We all know that exercise is not only good for our waist line but also our over all health and this is again important to hair health. Exercise improves hair health by increasing circulation.Smoking is bad for us and we are all aware of the dangers of this habit but did you know that smokers are four times more likely to have grey hair then their non smoking counterparts. Smokers are also more prone to hair lose.Healthy hair is one of the indicators of over all health. Take care of your body as a whole and you will have strong healthy hair.
Monday, June 23, 2008
7 Ways for Women to Look Great Naked!
My gym is located right by Lake Tahoe, which is home to the sexiest beaches in Nevada, hands down. It should come as no surprise then, that I am most often called on for help lookin' good in a bikini.
Here are SEVEN of my sizzling hot tips to help you raise your metabolism through the roof, so you'll be lean and sexy and looking great naked before strutting your stuff on the beach:
1. Supplement your diet with krill oil, whey protein, and a greens booster.
This is the magic combination to stoke your metabolic fire. Krill oil helps increase your fat burning powers, whey protein builds lean, sexy muscle, and the greens supplement will keep everything nice and balanced.
2. Train with resistance.
Training for strength, either with weights or your own bodyweight is one of the absolute best ways to transform your body. Lean muscle is what gives your body that sexy shape. Plus, muscle tissue raises your metabolism so that you will burn fat even while you're asleep!
3. Use intervals.
Traditional cardiovascular training has been shown to be ineffective for fat loss. Much better is to train with intervals. Intervals are simply periods of higher intensity activity alternated with lower intensity periods. For instance, if you use a spin bike, an interval workout could be 30 seconds pedaling as hard as you can mixed with 30 seconds of easy spinning.
4. Eat breakfast every day.
Having a nutritious breakfast each and every day is one of the very first things my fat loss clients focus on. It is THAT important for fat loss. Breakfast is your chance to get your day going right, make the most of it.
5. Make sure at least a third of your calories come from fat.
It might sound strange, but you can't lose fat unless you eat fat. Your body won't release its fat stores until it is sure it will have enough fuel coming in. As a bonus, healthy fats will keep your skin supple, smooth, and glowing. THAT sure helps you look great naked!
6. Hire an expert.
Fitness professionals are experts at blasting fat off of their clients as fast as possible. Whatever your situation, they've seen it before and can help you overcome all of your obstacles to success.
7. Get plenty of sleep.
A full night's sleep every night will fast-track you on your path of looking great naked! Your body produces fat burning hormones while you sleep, especially if you've been following the other six tips in this article.
Are you ready to be lean and sexy this summer?
You've got all of the tools you need, now get started!
Here are SEVEN of my sizzling hot tips to help you raise your metabolism through the roof, so you'll be lean and sexy and looking great naked before strutting your stuff on the beach:
1. Supplement your diet with krill oil, whey protein, and a greens booster.
This is the magic combination to stoke your metabolic fire. Krill oil helps increase your fat burning powers, whey protein builds lean, sexy muscle, and the greens supplement will keep everything nice and balanced.
2. Train with resistance.
Training for strength, either with weights or your own bodyweight is one of the absolute best ways to transform your body. Lean muscle is what gives your body that sexy shape. Plus, muscle tissue raises your metabolism so that you will burn fat even while you're asleep!
3. Use intervals.
Traditional cardiovascular training has been shown to be ineffective for fat loss. Much better is to train with intervals. Intervals are simply periods of higher intensity activity alternated with lower intensity periods. For instance, if you use a spin bike, an interval workout could be 30 seconds pedaling as hard as you can mixed with 30 seconds of easy spinning.
4. Eat breakfast every day.
Having a nutritious breakfast each and every day is one of the very first things my fat loss clients focus on. It is THAT important for fat loss. Breakfast is your chance to get your day going right, make the most of it.
5. Make sure at least a third of your calories come from fat.
It might sound strange, but you can't lose fat unless you eat fat. Your body won't release its fat stores until it is sure it will have enough fuel coming in. As a bonus, healthy fats will keep your skin supple, smooth, and glowing. THAT sure helps you look great naked!
6. Hire an expert.
Fitness professionals are experts at blasting fat off of their clients as fast as possible. Whatever your situation, they've seen it before and can help you overcome all of your obstacles to success.
7. Get plenty of sleep.
A full night's sleep every night will fast-track you on your path of looking great naked! Your body produces fat burning hormones while you sleep, especially if you've been following the other six tips in this article.
Are you ready to be lean and sexy this summer?
You've got all of the tools you need, now get started!
Master Cleanser Recipe: the Lazy People's Diet to Weight Loss
The master cleaner recipe (by Stanley Burroughs) was developed as a detox, and not weight loss diet. Coincidentally, while on this lemonade diet, some has indeed succeeded to loss weight. Even that, they really need discipline and endurance to survive the 10 days program. In fact, most will have give up before 3 days into the master cleanse diet. The first 3 days is probably the most difficult time when you started the master cleanse diet. You can't stand the hunger pangs and worst the delicious and juicy burger pop up on the screen tempting you to give in. In addition, common side effects like headaches, fatigue, stiff joints, foggy mind, dizziness, gas, sleeplessness, diarrhea, and cramps may just be the too much for you to handle. You can't take it any longer, and went back to solid food. Further to that, the weight loss is not permanent. You loss significant weight only to gain back all once you are back on normal diet. And worst, you gain back all those you’ve loss plus a few extra pound more. One of the reasons is the duration you engage in master cleanse. Even though there are reported cases where some stay more than 30 days on master cleanse diet, the truth is your metabolism start to slow down to adjust to your new diet pattern. This means that once you are back on normal diet, your food intake is, in fact, too much for your body to handle. And what cannot be metabolized turned into fat. What can be more disheartening than to realise that You didn't achieve the level of weight loss you desire? Aren't you suppose to loss a pound or 2 with the master cleanse diet? The problem may lies with the water you used in the preparation. If you are using tap water which was declared as safe for drinking, you are in for a big time. The standard water treatment practice is to add chlorine into the water to kill off the bacteria, and viruses. I’m sure you know that chlorine is a poison, and has been linked to cancer. Definitely not the choice. Bottled water is not a good choice either. Next, taking lemonade diet for every meal can be down right boring. You can end up dreaming about the master cleanser recipe in your sleep. How can you break away from the lemonade diet for just a day without compromising on the benefit of the master cleanse program? (You actually can, and you will learn how later.) Finally, drinking the nauseous tasting sea salt flush can be a real torture. It's not a wonderful drink. Probably you got so turned off by the sea salt flush, that you will give up the diet altogether. I'm almost certain that you will hate the taste of this drink and vomited every time you take it. The good new is with a few changes to the ingredients and a few strategies; you can turn the master cleanser recipe into an effective detox and weight loss diet. Losing up to 20 pounds in 10 days with minimum suffering can be a reality for you. Afterall, who wouldn’t want to loss weight in a healthy and natural manner? You will find out more about the updated formulation, and strategies to make weight loss an easy affair towards the end of this article, so stay with me. The new master cleanser recipe prepared you in advance. You need to be ready. You just can't jump out of bed one morning and decide to start cleansing. That's the journey to failure. You want to involve your subconscious mind early in your journey for weight loss. You want your subconscious mind to experience the wondrous feeling of completing this 10 days event and feeling good. You read it correctly. The master cleanse is a 10 days weight loss plan and not 30 or more. In fact, staying in the master cleanse for up to 15 days is acceptable. That's about the maximum number of days you should be on the lemonade diet before the Yo-Yo effect kicks in. If you have tried Stanley Burroughs master cleanse diet plan and did not achieve significant weight loss, you should look at the water you are using. You really should get quality water to make master cleanser recipe works. Where and how can you get quality water? All are explained in the new master cleanse formula that you will learn about shortly. A few days into the master cleanse, you may encounter common side effects likee minor aches and pains, headaches, fatigue, stiff joints, foggy mind, dizziness, gas, sleeplessness, diarrhea, and cramps. You can ease the side effects by drinking lots of water, and eliminating waste through your urine. Another way is to sweat it out. You can enjoy a 15 minutes relaxing sauna and ease these side effects. Make sure you consume plenty of water to prevent dehydration. But there is a plant that you can consume with multifold benefits. Know as a "super food", it helps to minimize the side effect and provides you the much needed protein. This is clearly absence in Stanley Burroughs master cleanse recipe, but available in the revised master cleanser recipe. If the hunger pangs were too much for you to endure, or the lemonade diet is too boring for you to continue, you will be glad that the new formula includes food you can consume without interfering with the cleansing process. It's a misconception that you can't eat while on master cleanse. You can. But not just anything. You may not know, but an overdose of the salt water flush can be deadly. There is an alternative though. You can take laxative tea as a substitute. In fact, it's the safer option and almost as effective. You can find out the laxative tea that works in the revise formulation. The question is: How serious are you to loss those extra pounds naturally - and fast? If you are very serious, getting the new master cleanser recipe customized for our time is a no brainer. Who need the outdated Stanley Burroughs master cleanse formula anyway?
There are many different ways to treat sleep apnea ranging from medicines, facial masks, and dental treatments. But before you can treat it, you must
Breast enlargement supplement usually contain herbs (like Fo Ti Root), with natural estrogenic properties from plant sources (phyto-estrogens) that work by regulating hormones and promote healthy tissue growth. Estrogen is what causes the breasts to grow at puberty. There are many chemical and environmental toxins that can mimic estrogens and attach to the receptor sites also. The plant nutrients will help to wash these out of the system and increase the health of the breast tissues.One of most commonly used herb in breast enlargement supplements is Fo Ti Root. Fo Ti is grown in China, Taiwan and Japan. Sometimes the unprocessed root is called white fo-ti and the processed root red fo-ti.It has been used traditionally to produce longevity, fertility and vitality and may offer protection against high blood pressure, hardening of the veins and arteries, reducing arterial plaque, easing menopausal symptoms and darkening pre-mature gray hair.However, intake of Fo Ti Root alone may not be that effective, unless it is combined synergistically with other similar herbs that contain phytoestrogens. And not all phytoestrogens give the same effectiveness to enhance your bustline.So, where can one find the herb that gives the best phytoestrogens? Or does it exist in the first place?Studies have shown that Pueraria Mirifica as one of the best phytoestrogen you can find. What makes Pueraria Mirifica the best Phytoestrogen? How is it different from Kelp (a.k.a. Pacific Kelp)?Pueraria mirifica is an indigenous herb of Thailand, known in Thai as "Kwao Kreu" or "Kwao Kreu Kao" (White Kwao Kreu). It belongs to the Family Leguminosae,subfamily Papilionoideae or the soy, bean & pea subfamily. The tuber enable to enlarge and accumulate at least 13 known chemicals classified as PHYTOESTROGENS and comprised of ; miroestrol, daidzein, genistin, genistein, B-sitosterol, stigmasterol, coumestrol, pueraria, compesterol, mirificoumestan, kwakhurin and mirificin. Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol can only be found in Pueraria Mirifica!"Miroestrol and Deoxymiroestrol " is very different from other phytoestrogens found in other plants such as Kelp (a.k.a. Pacific Kelp). It posses highest estrogenic activity among the known phytoestrogens due to structural similarity to Estradial. Estradiol is the main human estrogen which can be found in all women who are at the stage of nursing baby (Lactating); as you may notice that all women who are in this stage, their breast will enlarge and gain firmness for feeding purpose. This is the main reason why Pueraria Mirifica is unique from other breast enhancement herbs such as Kelp (a.k.a. Pacific Kelp).But not every Pueraria Mirifica are created equal, they varies from species to species and the growing conditions. There are more than 13 species of Pueraria Mirifica and most of them are called "Pueraria Mirifica" or "Kwao Krua Kao" but this doesn't mean that they are the same, they may look same in the appearance but they produce different results.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Dental Treatments for Sleep Apnea
There are many different ways to treat sleep apnea ranging from medicines, facial masks, and dental treatments. But before you can treat it, you must understand what sleep apnea is. The simple definition of sleep apnea is the disruption of breathing while you are asleep. The disorder affects the sleep of thousands of people each night and can become a very serious problem if gone untreated; it can even become life threatening. Generally, sleep apnea goes virtually undiagnosed as 90% of those who actually have the disorder do not even know it simply because they do not remember not being able to breathe in their sleep.There are many different symptoms associated with sleep apnea however the most frequent factor is the cessation of breathing during sleep. People suffering from sleep apnea also may choke or gasp during sleep to draw in breath, experience loud snoring, awake suddenly to restart breathing, sweat frequently through the night, experience headaches, sore throat, or dry mouth in the morning, and even may experience daytime sleepiness. It is important to know that snoring and sleep apnea are not one and the same. While snoring is a symptom of sleep apnea in some people, it is often not a sign of sleep apnea.In many cases, the shape of a person’s head and neck may actually be a cause of sleep apnea. This happens because the airway is made smaller when a person lays down for sleep in a certain way. Other causes include but are not limited to large tonsils or adenoids, obesity, relaxation of the tongue and throat muscles, smoking, exposure to secondhand smoke, nasal congestion, and a family history. If a person suffers from immune system abnormalities, severe heartburn, acid reflux, high blood pressure, hypothyroidism, acromegaly, vocal cord paralysis, post-polio syndrome, Marfan’s syndrome, Down syndrome, or amyloidosis, he or she may also develop sleep apnea.Treatments for sleep apnea vary, but dentists actually play a large and important role in the treatment of sleep apnea. Dentists along with physicians, psychologists and respiratory therapists all work together to treat each sleep apnea patient. Each patient responds to different aspects of treatment a little differently than others, but some of the most common and affordable treatments include dental treatments. There are different dental appliances, lower jaw adjustment devices, and oral devices that can help treat sleep apnea and can effectively treat mild to moderate sleep apnea.Many dental devices for treating sleep apnea are much like athletic mouth guards or appliances used for orthodontics and are made of acrylic, fitting inside the mouth. The two most common dental treatments for sleep apnea include the Tongue Retaining Device and the Mandibular Repositioning. These two devices help open your airway, and keep it open during sleep, by moving your lower jaw or tongue forward while you sleep. Often, the lower jaw and tongue move too far back thus blocking the flow of air during sleep.While dental treatments and devices for sleep apnea can make a huge difference in treating mild to moderate cases, such treatment does have side effects. If you choose to get treated consult a dentist like sleep apnea dentist Dr. Thomas Hedge in Cincinnati.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Seal Out Tooth Decay
Proper brushing and flossing together with the use of fluoride can greatly reduce the incidence of cavities in children as well as adults.
However, fluoride cannot reach the chewing surfaces of back teeth. This is most evident in young people. But there is a simple way to solve that problem and preserve your healthy smile. All it takes is the use of dental sealants.
Dental sealants work by covering the teeth with a thin, plastic-like coating. This serves as a shield against tooth decay.
The process can be applied anywhere - in a dentist's office, in school or even outdoors. It was first used in the mid-1950s by an American scientist and has benefited thousands of children in the United States, Thailand, and China.
"The application is painless and easy. First, your dentist cleans the chewing surface of your premolars and molars. Then, these surfaces are etched with a mild acid sealant that hardens into a shield that prevents accumulation of plaque in the pits and fissures," said Dr. David E. Larson, editor-in-chief of the “Mayo Clinic Family Health Book.”
“As long as the sealant remains intact, the tooth surface will be protected from decay. Sealants hold up well under the force of normal chewing and usually last several years before a reapplication is needed. During your regular dental visits, your dentist will check the condition of the sealants and reapply them when necessary,” added the American Dental Association.
Unfortunately, many people are unaware of dental sealants and some dentists do not even recommend them. This attitude should be corrected to reverse the growing trend of dental diseases in the country.
"Dental sealants have been underused by oral health care providers. Too often, they are also unknown to parents and children. Yet youngsters all over the world could suffer significantly less from tooth decay if sealants were used more frequently by dentists, their helpers and community health workers with special training," said Dr. Alice Horowitz of the US National Institute of Dental Research.
Children at about age 6 - when the first permanent molars erupt - will benefit most from dental sealants. The procedure can be applied again when the child is around age 11 to 14 when the permanent second molars and premolars appear.
But doesn't mean that adults can't have their teeth sealed. You're never too old to benefit from sealants. This will ensure that your smile will last a lifetime.
"Dental sealants can last up to 10 years, although serious conditions may shorten their effectiveness. Regular visits to the dentist permit necessary touch-ups to extend the life of a sealant. If the sealant layer is lost, it can be replaced," Larson said.
However, fluoride cannot reach the chewing surfaces of back teeth. This is most evident in young people. But there is a simple way to solve that problem and preserve your healthy smile. All it takes is the use of dental sealants.
Dental sealants work by covering the teeth with a thin, plastic-like coating. This serves as a shield against tooth decay.
The process can be applied anywhere - in a dentist's office, in school or even outdoors. It was first used in the mid-1950s by an American scientist and has benefited thousands of children in the United States, Thailand, and China.
"The application is painless and easy. First, your dentist cleans the chewing surface of your premolars and molars. Then, these surfaces are etched with a mild acid sealant that hardens into a shield that prevents accumulation of plaque in the pits and fissures," said Dr. David E. Larson, editor-in-chief of the “Mayo Clinic Family Health Book.”
“As long as the sealant remains intact, the tooth surface will be protected from decay. Sealants hold up well under the force of normal chewing and usually last several years before a reapplication is needed. During your regular dental visits, your dentist will check the condition of the sealants and reapply them when necessary,” added the American Dental Association.
Unfortunately, many people are unaware of dental sealants and some dentists do not even recommend them. This attitude should be corrected to reverse the growing trend of dental diseases in the country.
"Dental sealants have been underused by oral health care providers. Too often, they are also unknown to parents and children. Yet youngsters all over the world could suffer significantly less from tooth decay if sealants were used more frequently by dentists, their helpers and community health workers with special training," said Dr. Alice Horowitz of the US National Institute of Dental Research.
Children at about age 6 - when the first permanent molars erupt - will benefit most from dental sealants. The procedure can be applied again when the child is around age 11 to 14 when the permanent second molars and premolars appear.
But doesn't mean that adults can't have their teeth sealed. You're never too old to benefit from sealants. This will ensure that your smile will last a lifetime.
"Dental sealants can last up to 10 years, although serious conditions may shorten their effectiveness. Regular visits to the dentist permit necessary touch-ups to extend the life of a sealant. If the sealant layer is lost, it can be replaced," Larson said.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Aloe Vera Helps Gum Disease
This may come as a surprise to most people but bright white teeth and fresh breath do not necessarily mean you have a healthy mouth! It has been shown many times that general health is directly related to gum health, and indeed gum disease has been linked to several medical conditions such as stroke, diabetes, heart attack and worsening lung disease. Healthy gums can reduce a person's biological age by up to 6.4 years. Why? Because studies show that the presence of periodontal diseases, most common in people with tooth loss, actually affects longevity. The best of these studies, done at Emory University in conjunction with the Centers for Disease Control, indicates that people with gingivitis and periodontal disease have a mortality rate that is 23% to 46% higher than those who don't. So its more than just vanity folks - keeping your gums clean and healthy may help reduce the risk of many illnesses, including heart disease.What Is Gum Disease?Gum disease or periodontal disease is a chronic inflammation and infection of the gums and surrounding tissue that is the major cause of about 70 percent of adult tooth loss. It affects three out of four persons at some point in their life. Gum disease is characterised by red, swollen and bleeding gums in the initial stages and progresses to infections, chronic inflammation and bone loss in later stages. Eventually bacteria are allowed to flow freely through your gums and into your blood stream that activates and stresses the immune system. Heart AttackAre you sitting down for this! Good! For research has show that people with gum disease are 25% more likely to have a heart attack. Bacteria originating from the gums to the veins and arteries cause plaque build up and arterial inflammation that can provoke hazardous clotting. A 12-year study conducted by Harvard University researchers and 41,000 healthy men free of cardiovascular disease showed that those with periodontal disease had more clot related strokes.DiabetesPeriodontal disease severely affects the control of blood sugars. The spread of bacteria throughout the body via the blood stream stresses and confuses the body when trying to adjust sugars to the invasion. Antibiotic treatment has help diabetics control blood sugars while treating the infections caused by gum disease.Lung InfectionsBreathing in oral bacteria caused by gum disease can cause lung infections. Bacteria that grow in the oral cavities can be breathed into the lungs to cause respiratory disease such as pneumonia. So, there you have it, its not just pretty smile that you forfeit when you get gum disease - but what can you do to prevent it. Well, most of us know that regular brushing, flossing and visits to your dentist will go a long way to preventing gum disease. Diet also plays a major part, we should all know to eat plenty of fruit, reduce our intake of sugary foods - and of course need I remind you guys to stop smoking!What you may not know though, is that a daily intake of aloe vera can also be of great benefit. Aloe Vera is a natural anti-fungal and anti-bacterial plant. It can work wonders for dental health and protect the sensitive fragile tissues of the mouth when consumed internally. But you simply cannot pluck an aloe Vera leaf and chew it. You will probably spit it before you blink an eye. It certainly isn't the tastiest thing that you would have even tasted. That's where AloeRide comes in. Aloeride® is an Aloe Vera supplement created by a naturopath and a Chartered Physiotherapist and Registered Acupuncturist Dr. Han van de Braak. Ho noticed that most aloe vera products were manufactured using substandard methods and were not lab tested. Even the best selling Aloe Vera products couldn't offer half of what a litre of Aloe Vera juice could offer. So he created Aloeride®, which is the most powerful Aloe Vera supplement on earth today.
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