Friday, September 26, 2008
Healthy Teeth, Healthy Heart
It is frequently said that one part of your body is related to other parts. Reflexology specialists have always said that pressure points in the feet can relate to head aches, migraines and other pains in the body. Research has now found that your teeth are connected to your heart.
People that regularly visit their local dental practice and take good care of their teeth are less likely to have heart problems like cardiovascular disease. The discovery was made by Professor Howard Jenkinson from the University of Bristol, with support from the Royal College of Surgeons. The research was looking into how blood cells are affected by bacteria when they stumbled upon the discovery.
Around 700 different types of bacteria can be found in the mouth. If you fail to use your electric toothbrush enough then you may suffer from poor dental hygiene. If you have bad dental hygiene you could end up with bleeding gums, gingivitis and other oral diseases which are attacked by the bacteria in your mouth. The bacteria then go into the blood stream and are known to be independent factors in causing heart disease. These independent risk factors for heart disease are a result of oral bacterial infections caused by bacteria like Streptococcus gordonii and Streptococcus sanguinis.
These findings now explain why some antibiotics fail to work in the treatment of heart disease. Professor Jenkinson and his team are collaborating with Dr Steve Kerringan in order to develop a solution to the problem. Until a cure is found it is recommended you take care of your teeth by brushing them regularly using an electric toothbrush. You will find tooth care products are widely available from tooth whitening products like crest white strips to traditional dental care like an electric toothbrush or dental floss.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Eating Fish Can Improve Memory and Prevent Stroke
Older adults may be able to preserve and improve their memories and ward off stroke by eating more non-fried fish, researchers reported in the latest issue of Neurology.
The have found that older adults whose diets include three or more weekly helpings of baked or broiled tuna and other fish, like cod, high in omega-3 fatty acids are less likely to develop “silent” brain lesions that can lead to cognitive decline and vascular stroke.
A brain lesion, or infarct, is an area of damaged brain tissue. The damage typically results from a lack of blood flow to the area. The lesion is dubbed “silent” if it developed in someone who has not had a recognized stroke or transient ischemic attack, also called a mini stroke. Silent brain lesions are very common, especially as a person grows older. The lesions can cause thinking problems, memory loss and stroke.
“Previous findings have shown that fish and fish oil can help prevent stroke, but this is one of the only studies that looks at the effect of fish on silent brain infarcts in healthy, older people,” said Dr Jyrki Virtanen of the University of Kuopio in Finland.
He and his colleagues studied magnetic resonance imaging brain scans of 3,600 adults aged 65 and older who had no history of cerebrovascular disease. Five years later, researchers rescanned 2,313 of the participants and asked them questions about their diets, including how much fish they ate.
After comparing scans and analyzing diet information, they learnt that the adults who ate non-fried tuna and other fish high in omega-3 fatty acids at least three times a week had a nearly 26 per cent lower risk of silent brain lesions than those who opted for such foods less often.
Those who had just one serving of fish per week reduced their risk of silent brain lesions by 13 per cent and those who regularly chose the healthy fish also had fewer changes to the white matter in their brains.
“While eating tuna and other types of fish seems to help protect against memory loss and stroke, these results were not found in people who regularly ate fried fish,” Dr Virtanen said. “More research is needed as to why these types of fish may have protective effects, but the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA would seem to have a major role.”
Tuna, salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, and anchovies are all rich in omega-3 fatty acids and are good for the heart and the brain. Together with a healthy lifestyle, active mental stimulation, you can improve your brain function, stave off brain aging and improve your memory.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
How to Lose Cellulite – Important Facts and Treatments
Although cellulite is not a serious medical condition and won't kill you, it can make you feel low confidence and low self-esteem. This article discusses some important facts about cellulite and how to lose cellulite effectively. Anyone who wants to lose cellulite should know these facts about cellulite.
Cellulite facts #1 – Cellulite can affect anyone. Even female athletes and thin people have some cellulite in their bodies. But this does not mean that you leave the problem alone. It can get worsen and become harder for your to get rid of cellulite if you have a more severe condition.
Cellulite facts #2 – You can lose cellulite through number of ways. You can try some natural ways of getting rid of cellulite such as massage, exercise and maintaining a balanced diet. Liposuction is also a way to treat cellulite but is suitable only to those who are physically fit, young and emotionally stable. It is an expensive procedure.
Cellulite facts #3 – There are some effective cellulite products like nivea goodbye cellulite cream and Dr. Murad's cellulite solution set. These products are an ultimate blend of natural ingredients for effective cellulite removal. These are popular cellulite treatments and are easily available at online fat loss stores. You can reduce cellulite faster and more effectively if you use a quality anti-cellulite product with standard ingredient measurements.
Cellulite facts #4 – There are some home remedies for cellulite. These are home based natural remedies that are simple, effective and inexpensive way of cellulite reduction. Caffeine has been found affective for the reduction of cellulite. You can try a homemade caffeine wrap. Simply apply crushed coffee beans on the cellulite area after taking a bath and wrap it with some plastic.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Be Healthy With Organic Food
Today's society is vigilant towards consciousness for health and people are constantly searching for factors that are able to give them an edge for achieving to be healthy. We all know that healthy diet, constant physical activity regime, and sufficient rest have profound impact upon our entire vitality. Subsequently, there are an overwhelming number of groups who swear that organic food is extremely beneficial for the overall health of individuals.
How Are Organic Foods Produced?
Produced in organic farms, these foods are grown under stern supervision and guidelines and are packaged and grown without using any pesticides, man-made fertilizers, preservatives, artificial colorings and other chemicals. Non-organic products are subjected to various chemicals, which are usually not thoroughly studied so that their effects over the consumers' body can be understood and contemplated. These chemicals may be linked to anything from some types of cancer to food allergies.
Benefits Of Consuming Organic Food
One of the main advantages of consuming organic food is that these food products are not at all subjected to any unreliable substances. Dairy and meat products prepared under organic principles are also free from any form of chemicals. Non-organic agricultural farmers usually subject the livestock to various chemical supplements designed for speeding their weight and growth. Further, cows in the dairies are given chemicals for increasing their milk productivity.
As per the guidelines for organic foods, the livestock is reared without using any antibiotics or growth hormones and are not genetically modified in any way. The benefits of organic foods are that the livestock are given only organic feed which is free from chemicals and supplements.
Another advantage of consuming organic food is its friendliness to the environment. The non-organic foods are treated through chemicals, which are responsible to change the landscape and contaminate the surrounding ground and water supplies. The ground in which organic food is grown experiences no changes. Making commitment towards using organic foods will make you healthy as the benefits of organic foods lie in enjoying natural whole foods free of chemicals.
As the benefits of organic foods are long lasting and varied to the environment, the decision for going organic is responsible and a healthy one.
In several countries, the producers of organic foods need to get an organic certification so that they can advertise their food products as organic. Chemical free food products are not able to cure any existing illness but are believed to reduce the risks of intoxication of the body, thereby leading to lesser health related problems. The market of organic foods has been fast developing, as the customers are becoming increasingly health conscious and aware about the after effects of pesticides and chemical fertilizers used in crops on their health.
Virtually, everyone may agree that organic vegetables, fruits, fish and meats are preferred to non-organic foods grown with insecticides, fungicides and chemical fertilizers. At present, non-organic food growers are allowed to make use of more than 1000 chemicals upon their crops, which may heavily lead to soil erosion because of over-farming to the dangerous toxics running off into drinking water.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Cardiovascular Health
Did you realize that the American Heart Association recommends implementing a plan for prevention of heart attack by the age of 20? How many people do you know in their 20's that are really thinking about the prevention of a heart attack? The sad truth is that there are an increasing number of people that have their first heart attack by the age of 40. For many of those individuals the life style habits that are formed in their early years are directly contributing to those heart attacks. Foods high in fat, refined sugars and diets lacking the basic nutrients that our bodies need to operate at an optimal level are all contributing factors.
I'm sure that it is not new news to you that America's number one killer is Heart Disease. But what you may not have realized is that it does not work alone. Heart Disease is part of a group of killers including improper nutrition, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, and the lack of exercise. While heart disease may be the one that most often kills an individual it could just as easily be cancer or a stroke. The final cause of death really doesn't matter because they are all capable of beating the system: our immune system, cell damage caused by the free-radicals, on and on the list goes. The good news is that you can fight back.
The American Heart Association's plan on reducing and/or preventing heart disease and all of the closely related diseases could probably be summed up by saying eat healthier (including nutrient rich foods, fruits and vegetables), get more exercise, limit how much saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol you eat, avoid tobacco, reduce the number of beverages and foods with refined sugars, lean meats and poultry without skin, and have fish a couple of times per week.
Easy enough right?
One of the biggest challenges that we face on a day to day basis is getting the basic nutrients into our bodies to optimize our systems. Those base nutrients come in the form of vitamins and minerals. Many of you reading this probably take some form of a multivitamin and that is a great start. Did you know that many of the vitamins our bodies require to function and an optimal level are water soluble and only stay in our bodies for a matter of hours before they need to be replaced? One of these water soluble vitamins happens to be B vitamin, which happens to be a very critical part of our fight against heart disease. For many Americans getting the proper amounts of B vitamin into their bodies is a challenge because if the processing of the foods that they are consuming did not remove all or most of the vitamin B the cooking probably took care of the little that was remaining.
Folate is a B-vitamin found in citrus fruits; tomatoes; dark leafy green vegetables such as spinach and romaine lettuce; pinto, navy, and kidney beans; and grain products. Since January 1998, wheat flour has been fortified with folic acid, the synthetic form of folate, to add an estimated 100 mcg per day to the average diet. However, researchers have found that that people who consumed at least 300 micrograms (mcg) of folate per day had a 20 percent lower risk of stroke and a 13 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease than those consuming less than 136 mcg of folate per day.
As you can see from the list above one of the best sources of B-vitamin is dark green leafy vegetables - the very thing that you never wanted to eat as a child and your mom insisted that you eat. Fortunately there are some healthy sources of B-vitamins that will ensure that you are not only taking, but absorbing the nutrients needed to fight against this short coming in our diets. One such source is the MetaGreens supplement from Univera LifeSciences.
While many of you may have heard of free radicals and know that one of the ways to avoid the damaging effects of free radicals in our bodies is to ensure that we taken in ample antioxidants. What you may not have heard is that free radicals damage the lining of your arteries which ultimately leads to the build up of plaque and eventually causing a blockage in the artery. If that artery leads to your brain you suffer a stroke. It is estimated that most Americans get approximately 1800 ORAC daily. Unfortunately, many experts are estimating that we should be getting in excess of 3500 ORAC daily to combat the effects of free radical damage on our bodies. A fantastic source of antioxidants is the Univera LifeSciences AgelessXtra. Not only does it have one of the highest (if not the highest) ORAC ratings of all supplements available it is a great source of vitamins B3 and B6. Additionally AgelessXtra provides a host of other nutrients engineered to help keep you aging healthier.
Some additional vitamins, minerals and nutrients that you should be watching are:
Vitamin E which strengthens the immune system and heart muscle improves circulation, reduces risk of clots (preventing thrombosis: blot clot blocking a blood vessel), destroys free radicals.
Vitamin C is important in treating cardiovascular disease.
Vitamins B6, B12, and Folic Acid deficiency have been linked to heart disease, particularly blocked arteries.
Alpha Lipoic Acid reduces risks of heart attack, lowers LDL cholesterol.
Beta Carotene reduces risks of heart attack and stroke.
CoQ10 promotes heart function, reduces risk of heart failure, reduces high blood pressure, speeds recovery from bypass surgery, reduces risk of heart attack, and prevents recurrences of heart attack.
Chromium Picolinate fights atherosclerosis, lowers triglycerides, and improves blood cholesterol profile.
Magnesium contributes to proper functioning of heart muscle, keeps heartbeats normal, reduces angina.
DHEA prevents unwanted blood clots, controls insulin, destroys free radicals, and helps reduce body fat.
L-Carnitine reduces fat and triglycerides in the blood, increases oxygen uptake and stress tolerance.
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) plays a potentially significant role in strengthening heart muscle, reducing atherosclerosis, and fighting obesity. Effective HGH releasers include Arginine, Arginine/Ornithine, L-Arginine, L-Glutamine, L-Lysine, L-Ornithine, Niacinamide, GABA, and OKG.
Below is some important information from the American Heart Association
Extensive clinical and statistical studies have identified "major" risk factors and "contributing" risk factors that lead to coronary heart disease (heart attack) and stroke. The risk factors are:
Heredity - offspring of parents and grandparents with cardiovascular disease are more likely to have heart attacks and strokes.
Men - men are more likely than women to have heart attacks and have heart attacks at younger ages.
Increasing Age - 4 out of 5 people who die of heart attack are over 65 years of age.
Physical Inactivity - regular aerobic exercise plays a significant role in preventing heart and blood vessel disease. Even modest levels of low-intensity exercise are beneficial if done regularly over the long term. Exercise also helps prevent increased blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, etc.
Cigarette / Tobacco Smoke - smokers have more than twice the risk of heart attack as nonsmokers, and the risk of sudden cardiac death is between two and four times the risk faced by nonsmokers.
High Blood Cholesterol Levels - higher LDL ("bad") cholesterol correlates with increased risk of heart disease.
High Blood Pressure - the extra burden on the heart causes the heart to enlarge and weaken.
Obesity - the extra weight causes a strain on the heart; obesity leads to diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.
Diabetes Mellitus - 80 percent of people with diabetes die of some form of heart or blood vessel disease.
Stress - a potentially significant risk factor, particular in conjunction with one or more other risk factors.
In summery, please keep in mind when you fight cardiovascular disease by taking pro-active approach through a healthy lifestyle, simultaneously you will achieve reduced risk of all types of diseases and as such you are far more likely to live longer more fulfilling life.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Protect yourself With Anti Aging Know-how
Admit it or not, we all want to look and feel younger. How do we do it with our hectic schedules? We just can't seem to find the time for things we enjoy doing, let alone exercise!
It all depends on your priorities and what's really important to you. Then you must take action.
Anti aging the natural way is more desirable then relying on drugs and other extreme measures. Following are some ideas that you can use to age more gracefully and do so in a safe manner.
The three main points that will be covered here are your lifestyle, the food you eat and supplements.
What type of lifestyle or you living? Are you getting the right amount of exercise? You don't necessarily need to run to the gym everyday. You can get beneficial exercise from walking, gardening and other activities that you can do around your home. Take the family to a park, go hiking, or take up a sport.
Maybe you would be interested in Karate or Yoga. Try to find something that you enjoy.
Meditation is a great way to relieve stress, sleep better, feel younger and sharpen your brain. The health benefits from meditation can give you a more enjoyable and longer life. If you don't know how to meditate then you could take a class, look it up on the internet or find a good CD to listen to.
Most folks today are on a terrible diet to be honest. Fast food and processed food are really not the way you were meant to eat.
If you really want to feel great and be healthier then ever, then eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Prepare some great home meals, and eat less processed food.
Some vegetables and fruits that are a step above others are broccoli, spinach, carrots, blueberries and tomatoes.
Eating raw fruits and vegetables in their natural state is the way to go if you want the most antioxidants and nutrients. You may be surprise how tasty they are too!
There are good fats and bad fats. You should eat some of the good fats such as olive oil, fish oil and coconut oil. Stay away from most other oils.
Eat organic whenever possible. These products are pesticide free and are not genetically modified in most cases. Organic produce contains more beneficial nutrients as well.
Now we all know that it's not easy getting all our nutrients from the food we eat today. That's where some good supplements will help us out.
You want a good quality multi supplement that is as natural as possible. Don't waste your money on most supermarket supplements.
Besides a good multi there are a few others to keep in mind. These include; DHEA, Coenzyme Q10, Lutein , Morinda Citrifolia Resveratrol, Acai and more.
So in conclusion, let's change our lifestyle for the better by eating right, exercising, looking into alternative activities such as meditation and taking supplements that we could benefit from.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Home Spa Treatments
Every women love to look beautiful and attractive. These are many products present in the market that can increase the beauty of a person but these treatments can be harmful as they contain amount of chemicals. You can solve your problem by making spa products in with your kitchen elements as these products are free from chemicals.
The making time takes also less time and you can use it any time you want to pleasure with them. This home made spa products are also costs less and beneficial too. You can follow the steps that are mentioned below and keep yourself healthy and fresh.
First thing you have to do is cleanse your face with gentle cleanser as it is good to take out the extra oil from the surface of the skin. You should use the cleansing products according to the type of your skin as if you have oily kind of skin you must use strong cleanser and if you have dry skin you should use a creamy content holder cleanser.
After that, use an exfoliater in circular motion and gently rub exfoliating cream in order to remove dead skin cells. You should focus on the areas of your face that tend to be oiliest and these areas are usually the T-zone such as forehead, nose and chin. You have to give steam your face after that as steam is much gentler than that used at the spa. To give steam to your body you have to fill your bathroom sink with warm water. Now, dip your washcloth in the water and press to your face gently. You can repeat the process two to three times.
After taking steam to your skin, a mask is necessary. If you have oily or combination skin you can use a clay-based mask and if you have dry skin, you must use a hydrating mask. Apply mask to the skin, being careful to avoid the eye area and leave mask on for 10 to 20 minutes or as directed. This will prove glow and beauty to skin.
No skin treatment can be completed by the moisturizer; you have to apply a light moisturizer in order to prevent dehydrating the skin. You should look for a moisturizer with SPF 15 or higher in order to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Health care : Tips for Quitting Smoking
So you're thinking it's time to quit smoking? Maybe it's the first time, maybe the 20th time.
I quit smoking almost 8 years ago. I never thought I would be a non-smoker. Briefly, my story is that I went from smoking 2 packs a day when I started, to 2 cigarettes a day. But.....I HAD to have those 2 a day. I was addicted. I hated being addicted, especially since I'd quit alcohol and lost lots of weight. I looked forward to my 2 cigarettes. I had one around 6:00 pm and the other right before bed. It was a routine I had for years.
I got sick 8 years ago. The kind of sickness you can't smoke (most of the time no matter how sick you are you'll smoke, I did anyway). But for 4 days I couldn't smoke and I wasn't very nice to be around @ work. My supervisor really upset me and I went home that 5th day and promised myself a cigarette, sick or not, because "I deserved it." I was looking forward to it.
I got home and picked up the pack of cigarettes that had been sitting on my desk for days and took out a cigarette and picked up my lighter and headed outside. I was getting giddy. Oh, I get to smoke again! I took a puff. Horrible! Well that's because I hadn't had a cigarette in 5 days. I took another puff. Still nasty but I'd keep trying. After around 4 puffs I was feeling nauseaus. Darn! I wanted to finish the cigarette so was only half-smoked but I put it out. I told myself there was always tomorrow (even though the question "could this be my last cigarette?" popped into my head). No tomorrow I'll think about it.
Long story short...I never picked up another cigarette after that day. Every time the thoughts would come about smoking like "you're not smoking anymore? "what about your cigarette before you go ......." NO! I wouldn't finish the thoughts. I would just gently lift my thoughts into a peaceful place. It sound sorta hokey but that's exactly what I did. I then went out doing my errands "pretending" I had already had my late afternoon cigarette. I stayed calm too. That's key!
I've been a non-smoker now for almost 8 years and I can't tell you how great it is not to be beholden to cigarettes anymore. I still like the smell of a cigarette sometimes but I never think about them or want to go back to smoking. I smoked for 28 years and I'll never go back again.
So my 3 tips to quit smoking that worked for me are:
Stay calm, meditate if you can. It's important to keep the mind calm and serene so the thoughts don't start to take over;
"Trick" yourself--do whatever you would have done AFTER the cigarette. For me I used to practice singing after my cigarette. So since I wasn't smoking I sang and "tricked" myself into thinking I had already smoked.
Don't let your mind finish all the negative thoughts that WILL come. The mind will try possibly 100 times in one day to get you to smoke. Remember, this is something you WANT to do (quit smoking) It will be worth it.
This may sound a little "out there" for some people but this is what worked for me. I'm very non-traditional and couldn't have done it any other way. And boy am I grateful to not be smoking. I have a freedom that just can't be described!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
All About Tooth Whitening
As the title suggests, teeth whitening is a process of removing discolouration and stains from teeth and bleaching them to achieve a whiter smile. Badly stained teeth can even benefit from a simple scale and polish from a dental hygienist.
Most dental practises will offer a combination of immediate surgery teeth whitening and a customised take-home whitening kit. Both bleach the teeth with a peroxide based compound varying in strength. The high the concentration of peroxide in the compound the more powerful it will be. Strong peroxide solutions will more effectively whiten the teeth but could also cause damage to the surrounding gum tissue and mouth.
It is imperative that a dentist isolates your gums and lips with protection to avoid burning them with peroxide. Dentists will use a high concentration of peroxide but properly protect your mouth and gums, whereas home kits tend to have a much lower concentration of peroxide to avoid any damage occurring away from the surgery. High strength home whitening kits are becoming available, but these should be considered with severe caution. Teeth whitening should not be carried out without the supervision of a qualified dentist.
The home kit offers more permanent results over a longer time, whereas laser whitening can produce immediate results. A combination of the two treatments ensures instant and long-term results.
Before any whitening treatment, a dentist or hygienist will clean the teeth, removing any surface stains and tartar. This is called a scale and polish. They will then make a record of the colour and shade of the teeth before the treatment to show the patient the visible results of the procedure.
Then some protection is placed around the gums so that only the teeth are exposed to a highly peroxide concentrated compound. This may be rolls of cotton or special protective gel material which hardens once applied.
A cheek retractor is used to keep the lips and cheeks away from the teeth while they are being bleached. Eye protection is also provided to prevent any damage to the eyes from the laser used or accidental splashes of peroxide.
The whitening gel is applied to the teeth and some dentists expose it to a light or laser for around an hour. This, they argue, speeds up the whole process making the peroxide compound more effective.
When the compound is washed off and the gum protection is removed, the dentist will evaluate the results by using a shade chart or comparing digital photos.
Side Effects
Most people experience a little sensitivity in their teeth for up to 48 hours after initial treatment. The dentist should supply a gel or mouse to be applied to teeth to reduce sensitivity, and advise those undertaking treatment to avoid hot and cold food and drinks for 48 hours afterwards. Some dentists will offer a fluoride treatment to reduce the sensitivity immediately after the procedure.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Brain Tumor – Threat to Society
In the fast moving world, Brain tumor is one of the major causes for the increase in Mortality among children and adults. Brain tumor is one an abnormal mass of tissue in which cells grow and multiply, seemingly unchecked by the mechanisms that control normal cells. The complex brain tumors can be separated into two general categories depending on the tumors origin, their growth pattern and malignancy. Primary brain tumors are tumors that arise from cells in the brain or from the covering of the brain. A secondary or metastatic brain tumor occurs when cancer cells spread to the brain from a primary cancer in another part of the body. Most Research in developed countries show that the number of people who develop brain tumors and die from them has increased perhaps as much as 300 over past three decades. The National Brain Tumor Foundation (NBTF) for research in United States estimates that 29,000 people in the U.S are diagnosed with primary brain tumors each year, and nearly 13,000 people die. In children, brain tumors are the cause of one quarter of all cancer deaths. The overall annual incidence of primary brain tumors in the U.S is 11 to 12 per 100,000 people for primary malignant brain tumors, that rate is 6 to 7 per 1,00,000. In the UK, over 4,200 people are diagnosed with a brain tumor every year (2007 estimates). There are about 200 other types of tumors diagnosed in UK each year. About 16 out of every 1,000 cancers diagnosed in the UK are in the brain (or 1.6%). In India, totally 80,271 people are affected by various types of tumor (2007 estimates). NBTF reported highest rate of primary malignant brain tumor occurred in Northern Europe, United States and Israel. Lowest rate arised in India and Philippines. Brain tumor cannot be prevented yet, because causes are being detected only recently. Brain tumor symptoms vary from patient to patient. The common brain tumor symptoms are:
Headaches - This is common symptom, with 46% of the patients reporting having headaches. They described the headaches in many different ways, with no one pattern being a sure sign of brain tumor. Many - perhaps most - people get headaches at some point in their life, so this is not a definite sign of brain tumors.
Seizures- A seizure is a sudden, involuntary change in behavior, muscle control, consciousness, and/or sensation. Symptoms of a seizure can range from sudden, violent shaking and total loss of consciousness to muscle twitching or slight shaking of a limb. Staring into space, altered vision, and difficulty in speaking are some of the other behaviors that a person may exhibit while having a seizure. Approximately 10% of the U.S. population will experience a single seizure in their lifetime.
Nausea / Vomitting-As with headaches, these are non-specific - which means that most people who have nausea and vomiting do NOT have a brain tumor. Twenty-two percent of the people in our survey reported that they had nausea and /or vomiting as a symptom
Problems with vision- Twenty-five percent reported vision problems. This one is easy - if you notice any problem with your hearing or vision, it must be checked out. I commonly hear that the eye doctor is the first one to make the diagnosis - because when they look in your eyes, they can sometimes see signs of increased intracranial pressure. This must be investigated.
Problems with sensation in your hands- Problems with weakness of the arms, legs or face muscles, and strange sensations in your head or hands. Twenty-five percent reported weakness of the arms and/or legs. Sixteen percent reported strange feelings in the head, and 9% reported strange feelings in the hands
Behavioral and cognitive problems: Many reported behavioral and cognitive changes, such as: problems with recent memory, inability to concentrate or finding the right words, acting out - no patience or tolerance, and loss of inhibitions - saying or doing things that are not appropriate for the situation.
Basic Symptoms
Affected Rate
Strange feeling in head
Problems finding the right words
Weakness of the arm(s) or leg(s)
Nausea / Vomitting
Problems with vision
Problems with sensation in your hands
Strange smell felt
Primary symptoms of brain tumor are headache, vomiting and nausea, weakness in hearing and eyesight, lack of strength in arms and legs, strange sensations in heads and hands. Surgery is the treatment of choice for accessible brain tumors. Accessible tumors are those which can be surgically removed without causing severe neurological damage. Tumors located in gray matter or deep within the brain may be inaccessible. Brain tumor surgery in India at Indian metros of Delhi and Mumbai has acquired a good scope for providing health recovery to abroad natives coming to India for removal and cure of brain tumors..
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