Sunday, November 23, 2008

Liver Care - Flush Your Liver to Remove the Toxic Material

A flush liver procedure is said to be really a very beneficial procedure that can help to detoxify our body, even though that there is no scientific evidence at present that can actually authenticate this particular claim.

However it is really strongly recommended that before you go proceed with a flush liver procedure, drink pure apple juice just for 2 to 3 days before the procedure. You can also include other fresh fruits vegetables right along with the apple juice. The reason that you should drink apple juice is that because it contains malic acid which can help to dissolves and softens gallstones (if any). It helps to make the flush liver procedure much more successful. It will be real best that you use organic apples to make the fresh apple juice.

A flush liver procedure not only get cleanse our body of gallstones, but it is actually believe to dramatically improve your digestive system too. People have found that after process of a liver flush, their allergies so seem to have disappeared (if they suffer from any) as well as many find that the shoulder, upper arm and upper back pain has also been removed more often - gone. And anyone who has therefore carried out a flush liver procedure has so found that they have more energy than that they use to have as well as feeling much better about themselves. Flushing your liver of toxins really does wonders to your body.

Unfortunately you do need to be really very careful when carrying out a flush liver procedure as some possible problems or complications may often arise. Some people when carrying out flushing potentially suffer from the nausea, vomiting or diarrhea by during the liver flushing procedure. Also in some incidents the oily or fatty components that have been moderately caused by the flush liver procedure may actually cause the gallbladder to contract. This could lead to problems in people who are so suffering from large gallstones. For them that they may find it tough to in fact pass the gallstone just out through the bile duct and so may have to get resort to surgery in order to have the gallstones removed.

There definitely seem to be more benefits to be gained from using a flush liver procedure by against the disadvantages. However, if you do rely solely on this type of detoxification treatment and then also decide to avoid any form of conventional medical care to there treat your gallstone problem, this perhaps into turn lead to more serious health issues in the future. So it may well be meaningful to discuss with your doctor for any questions that you may have prior to starting a flush liver procedure.

Herbal medicines have been used in the treatment of liver diseases for an extended time. A number of herbal preparations are available in the market for this problem . Liver 52 is a unique, all-natural, complex multi-ingredient formula. It is real safe and effective in portecting the liver against harmful toxins from drugs, alcohol, food and water. It helps to get regulate levels of enzymes and optimizes assimilation. LiverCare has also been found to be all associated with an increase in serum albumin, which is another indication of the liver protection that it provides. Recent work shows that LiverCare has cholesterol-regulating action. Clinically, it goes helps to maintain healthy levels of serum cholesterol, lipoproteins, phospholipids and other triglycerides.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Spokane Supplements Secret to Rapid Fat Loss

What is the Supplements secret to Rapid Fat loss? There are several foods and spices that can help in rapid weight loss. Here are just a few:


Sweeten your oatmeal or frothy coffee drinks with this sweet spice instead of sugar (which has 16 calories per teaspoon) and you can save a couple hundred calories a week, enough to shed 2 to 3 pounds in a year without doing anything else. You'll be doing your heart a service as protective estrogen levels decline: Pakistani researchers found that 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon a day could lower heart-damaging cholesterol by 18% and triglycerides by 30%.

High-Fiber Granola Bars

A small British study found that women who eat a fiber-rich, high-carb breakfast burn twice as much fat during workouts later in the day as those who eat more refined (lower-fiber) foods. Try a granola bar with at least 4 g of fiber, like Kashi, instead of the typical bar that contains just a single gram. Refined carbs spike your insulin levels, which limits your body's ability to use fat as fuel, explains Lisa Dorfman, RD, adjunct professor at the University of Miami.

Hot Sauce

Forget bland condiments. If you want to burn fat, spice things up. In a study of 36 men and women, Australian researchers found that following a spicy meal, levels of insulin'the hormone that triggers body fat storage'were lowered by as much as 32%. One theory: Capsaicin, the chemical that gives chiles their fire, may improve the body's ability to clear insulin from the bloodstream after you eat, so you're more likely to burn fat following a meal spiked with chile peppers than after one that isn't packing heat.


Just 3 ounces of canned salmon delivers 530 IU (more than the Daily Value) for vitamin D and 181 mg of calcium, a power-packed nutritional combination that may be just what your waistline needs as you get older. In a 7-year study of more than 36,000 women ages 50 to 79, researchers at Kaiser Permanente found that those who took both calcium and vitamin D supplements gained less weight after menopause than those who took a placebo. Some research has shown that without enough vitamin D, our appetite-regulating hormone, leptin can't do it's job effectively. Other fatty fish choices include tuna, sardines, and mackerel.


Instead of snacking on some chips, open up a bag of nuts: Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which may keep you feeling fuller longer. In a 1-year study of people with diabetes who were following a low-fat diet, Australian researchers discovered that those who included 8 to 10 walnuts a day lost more weight and body fat. The subjects also reduced their insulin levels, which helps keep fat storage in check.

Water with Lemon

A California study of 240 women found that dieters who replaced their sweetened drinks with water lost an average of 3 pounds more a year than those who didn't. Subjects who sipped more than 4 cups of water a day lost 2 additional pounds, compared with those who drank less. Plus, the phosphoric acid in soda may contribute to bone loss'and osteoporosis'by changing the acid balance in your blood.

Ground Flaxseed

Flaxseed is rich in fiber and healthy fats, which help stabilize blood sugar, so you're less likely to binge. Some research suggests flax can also help soothe symptoms of hormone swings because it's very high in plant estrogens. Ground seeds are easier to digest. Sprinkle them over cereals, soups, or salads; add them to smoothies; or substitute 1 cup of ground flaxseed for 1/3 cup canola, corn, or other oil or shortening in muffins and cookies. Note: Lower oven temperature slightly, since baked goods brown faster with flax.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Are You Still Smoking?

Usually, it is very difficult to quit smoking. At least for the most of the people. Maybe it is difficult to find a good reason to stop smoking. OK, then why don't we find a lot of reasons to quit smoking?

Let's try to understand why you are smoking and what impact it makes on your life.

* Psychological aspect is probably the strongest reason for smoking. From physiological point of view you do not have any reason to start smoking. There is no any ingredient that will support your nutrition. But still, you find many reasons to smoke. You smoke since you consider that some kind of pleasure. You smoke to calm your self, or to cut the time while you waiting for something. But at the end, you are only smoking because you are used to it. Simply you do not smoke for pleasure, but in order not to have a smoker's crisis. Is that "pleasure" really worth of your time, health and money? Do you really enjoy in every cigarette smoked, or simply you can not be in idle mode for a moment without a smoke?

* Physiological effect of smoking does not exist in any positive way while you smoke. But negative effects do exist if you try to quit smoking. How pathetic, you have no physiological benefits for starting with smoking, but you have negative effects of nicotine crisis, if you do not smoke. Despite that, you still want to inhale smoke and pretend that you feel pleasure, although you don't? By the way, is it fun to make your body to age at accelerated rate?

* Social aspect is strong, since during a whole life you have somebody, who also smokes, to give you reason for smoking. It starts with first cigarettes with friends while you are adolescent and continues a whole life. You have always a good reason to smoke, since it connects you with the people that surround you. OK, but what about the people that do not smoke? They need to endure the torture from smokers, only because they are in your vicinity. If you do not care about your health, than why don't you at least respect non-smokers that surround you?

* Financial aspect of smoking habit is having a huge impact in your life. If you are an average smoker, who spend €5 per day, it is easy to figure out that you burning money literally. If you smoke 40 years, your pleasure ( or just a plain addiction ) will cost you € 73.000, without any interest. Furthermore, if you invest annually equivalent amount of money with only 5% of interest rate ( you can get even more, but due to inflation let assume that this is minimal interest ), you are wasting the € 231.483. A small fortune. Now imagine yourself with that amount of money in one hand and box of matches in another hand. Would be a really stupid to lit the money and to burn them away?

But since you are the smoker, you are actually burning that money. It does not matter that you burn money slowly, you are still burning it. What do you feel about the fact that you are wasting so much money on something that is probably more habit than a pleasure? Is your creativeness for spending money limited to burning them? Now, try to question yourself about reasons of why you still smoke. Try to understand all things that you consider to be a positive and those that are really negative to yourself while smoking. Is it really that important for you to keep breathing in fumes of burned tobacco leaves while trying to pretend that you enjoy? Try to imagine all benefits that you will have if you quit smoking. You will be healthier, you will not have a bad smell and you will be wealthier.

Are you still smoking?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Beer and Fitness

I start writing this article as I sit in a cabana on vacation with my family. I'm totally relaxed sipping an ice cold can of the finest cerveza the room bar has to offer.

Sipping an ice cold beer as I write an article on fitness? This may sound strange to some but to me it is the only way to live.

You see, fitness is a lifestyle that should be embraced as a way of life that in which enhances all of your experiences.

To deny yourself of life's pleasures so you can die a good looking corpse with 6% body fat and a butt you can bounce a quarter off of should not be our goal.

The reason why this beer tastes so good and actually gives me a buzz is because I don't drink that often at all and therefore tend to enjoy it more. After months of hard work, a healthy breakfast off egg whites, toast and some chicken stir fry (gotta love the all inclusive resorts) a full hour in the gym and an hour nap watching MI3, I've earned this.

Training hard and eating smart 80% of the time is what gives you the guilt free 20% that you end up enjoying even more.

The Pareto principle aka the 80/20 rule is nothing new and has been written and talked about for a long time. Success means applying this rule to your all areas of your life, fitness is no different.

Today's executives are as busy as ever but feel the need to have a balanced life more than before.

What good is all that power, money, prestige and freedom if you're too tired and out of shape to really enjoy any of it? What good is being married and have children if you don't have the energy to play or spend time with them. To make love you have to give love. To give love you need to have passion and passion takes energy. If your energy is low you can bet that the most important areas of your life are suffering too.

I believe the fitness industry is about to come full circle. It has blown up to monumental proportions in a world that cries out for more, more, more.

This has only one inevitable end before it all comes crashing down unless balanced is achieved.

Instead of thinking "I'm going to eat healthy starting now, go to the gym 6 days a week and run every morning." You should be thinking about what you want out of life, not fitness.

The breakthrough is that nobody really wants fitness. They want what fitness can give them.

It isn't about 18" arms, 6 pack abs or a flat stomach. It's not about being able to run a 17 minute 5 km run or eating something green with every meal.

These are all surface level goals that really have nothing to do with the quality of your life. It is what doing these things or having these things will bring you in terms of experiences and ultimately feelings.

When you can link small everyday decisions that affect a positive physical change to life altering mega happiness that is when things start to move.

Being "fit"...why?

To have a certain look perhaps to give you more confidence? Maybe more respect is what you are after and a feeling of satisfaction. Great, but why?

Confidence comes from within and the decisions you make. You want confidence simply DO what a fit confident person does and do it today. It is the confidence that you exude in yourself that will transfer to others. Make people feel good about themselves and they will want to be around you and make you happy too.
Now you have the confidence because you are DOING what they are doing. So you don't look like they do just yet. So what! Give it some time.

Want respect? Respect others and the only way you can respect others is if you respect yourself first.

You want to just look better or perhaps for your future wife or husband, boyfriend or girlfriend. Looks will fade and what will remain is your character.
The character of a person who lives their life with passion and caring for themselves and others is what will draw that person into your life a lot faster than a tight ass.

All of these examples are linked to what fitness means to you personally but let's look at what it means to your ability to contribute to others and again how that comes back to you.

Simply put you'll feel better. If you suffer from anxiety, depression or stress it is hurting your ability to smile and make others happy. It is hurting your ability to build your business and focus on the big picture.

I have had many clients over the years and when they decided to make a physical change, everything got better.

Their mental state, relationships, finances, everything.

It starts out as a general feeling of discomfort or lack of forward motion. There life may not be where that want it to be and they see getting fit as the vehicle in which to change that and for many of us it is the first step.

The first goal may be to lose 30 pounds but in the end everything gets better. That first goal blends into another and another. Maybe it is fitness related maybe it is not. The point is that you can only see up one level at a time. When you elevate your life you can see higher and further than before and new goals make themselves visible to you only when you have achieved the ones that you can see now.

Excite yourself for the wondrous goals that are so amazing you can't even fathom them yet.

Lisa wanted to lose some weight to feel better about herself. She ended up competing in a fitness modeling contest, got married and had the confidence to quit her fulltime job so that she could go back to school and become a teacher like she always wanted.

Carl was fresh out of a terrible relationship but after the weight loss and muscle building found the courage meet new people. Now is the happiest he has ever been and is dating a hot young chick 10 years younger.

Frank had his daughter, father and aunt die all within one year. If not for fitness his life, marriage and business would have fallen apart. Fitness... kept it all together.

All of these people and so many more just like them have one thing in common, they have linked fitness to positive life experiences and are now designing their life with fitness as the medium.

Once you make the very real connection with "fitness" whether that means playing sports, eating healthy or going to the gym you give yourself the power to do it for life.

Your ability to make new friends, keep the ones you have, make more money, get things done, have new experiences everything in your life gets better when you can simply apply a fitness lifestyle and the 80/20 rule to your life.

And for god's sake don't forget to have fun along the way and the ride because there is no end (except for that one big one).

So the next time we meet and you see me enjoying a cold beer on a beach somewhere don't forget what it took to get us there and come join me.