Monday, October 27, 2008

Boost Fat Loss 3 Times Faster

Let's be honest. You are carrying around more body fat that you desire and you are simply sick and tired of it. It makes you feel distorted, you have no energy, your clothes don't fit, you hate to look in the mirror, and you are just plain miserable.

If you want to drop that nagging body fat, then you need to get focused. Make a decision to lose that fat, and stick to it.

I'm going to give you 3 key tools that you can start using right now to boost fat loss 3 times faster.

I'll keep this short and simple, so let's get to it...

First, don't starve the fat off your body, but feed your body foods of quality that it can use to burn fat and nourish your metabolically active muscle.

What does this mean? Well, first don't eat 3 square meals a day. To increase your metabolism naturally you need to eat more smaller, yet balanced. Kick-up your meal frequency to 5-6 times a day.

Why is this important? Well, every time you eat foods that your body can use for energy or building purposes it increases your metabolic rate naturally.

Okay, so you are eating more meals a day, but I must caution you. The foods you choose are going to have a DRAMATIC impact on your fat loss rate. If you choose natural foods your fat loss will soar. If you choose processed foods your fat loss will stall or increase.

It is of utter importance that you choose natural foods your body can use burn fat and build muscle.

Second, eat low-carb meals to dip into fat stores better. I know all too well the current low-carb debate. I'm not suggesting that you rip carbs out of your diet completely.

However, if you want to tap into your fat stores better and burn off fat, you are going to have to lower your complex and starchy carb intake and replace those carb meals with non-starchy veggies.

Non-starchy veggies can be thought of as negative calories. They don't impact the insulin so they will keep you in fat burning mode 24/7.

Third, eat more essential fats. Yes, the body needs essential fats to function properly and to burn fat. While most people eat a hefty amount of fat each day, most of that fat intake is not essential.

You can be fat, yet fat deficient. However, if you supply your body with essential fats it can use, you can dramatically decrease your body fat and improve your health.

Conclusion - These are just a few tools to get you started to improving your health, burning off stubborn body fat, and increasing lean muscle tissue. If you implement these 3 tactics whole-heartedly you will start to see and feel changes within days.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Weight Loss Supplements - Top 3 Reasons Why They Work

Weight loss supplements are a most helpful addition to your overall diet plan. They can help to provide both a psychological and a physical boost toward making a successful diet plan.

Weight loss supplements come in various types and, as might be expected, some are much more effective than others. The wrong type of supplements can actually be harmful to persons with certain pre-existing conditions. The government in this country provides continuous testing of new products to aid in combating the scourge of obesity which is more and more prevalent amongst children, adolescents and adults. Some supplements are available through a doctor's prescription while a few are readily available on the shelves of your local pharmacy or supermarket. These supplements have some uses, particularly if you are shaky in your resolve to lose the weight necessary to bring you to your goal.

Psychological Boost

For those who need every bit of will power they posses to get through the most difficult days of the early diet plan, weight loss supplements provide a psychological boost. Because you are in a success mind set, you expect to be successful. Since you expect that these supplements will provide the difference between success and failure in a better eating plan, you are less likely to give up in discouragement when the initial water weight loss slows to a crawl. In addition, since there are some actual psychical effects to the circulation and the brain, you simply feel better because of the increased health benefits.

Metabolism increase

Weight loss supplements are often directed toward increasing the metabolic rate of your body so that the glucose is burned more effectively rather than being stored in the body and becoming the dreaded fat residues around hips, thighs and abdomen. When the fuel is burned, rather than stored for future use, the body will not retain the weight. As we grow older, the metabolic rate tends to drop anyway, so improving the level of metabolism helps to keep weight off as the age increases.

Burn fat

Of course, one of the primary results of weight loss supplements is their ability to burn fat. You want to get rid of the fat cells in your body, to use these stored cells as fuel rather than seeing the results of stored fat on your body profile. Taking advantage of the ability of the supplements to affect the body processes in a positive way makes it easier to be sure that your weight management efforts will be successful. So, the psychological boost goes along with the physical changes in order to help you reach your weight loss goal.

When you select weight loss supplements, it is largely to add every possible success factor to your diet and weight control efforts. Supplements help to provide nutrition to your body during weight loss. Supplements can help to increase your metabolism so that the energy expenditure of the body is increase significantly just in the activities of daily living. Supplements can produce a feeling of fullness or even satiety so that you will not be tempted to eat as much. Take advantage of the benefits in order to kick start your weight management efforts and to continue them over the long haul.

Friday, October 17, 2008

How to Stop Smoking Quickly

O.K. You've decided to stop smoking. Great, we don't need to go into all the reasons for you to stop. You've done that to get this far. Of course, now you just want to know how to stop smoking quickly. As quickly as possible right?

The first step is to prepare for stopping. Pick a day that you are going to stop smoking, it doesn't matter what day, but not too far distant, say within ten days. It's also going to be really helpful if you can pick a day which you know is going to be stress free and relaxing. Having picked the day, stick to it, without fail.

Let's take the scenario that you usually have your first cigarette almost immediately after waking up in the morning. Then go on to smoke say 25 to 30 cigarettes over the course of the day. This makes you pretty highly nicotine dependent. So, as part of your preparation you would probably want to consider nicotine replacement therapy and other prescription drugs to help you.

Visit your doctor, they often have quit smoking clinics, and discuss the options with them. You can then get in a stock of the drugs you have agreed upon, so you're not dashing about at the last minute the day before you plan to stop smoking. This will raise your stress levels, putting you at a disadvantage.

As part of your preparation, in the run up to the day you picked, write down all the reasons you have for wanting to stop smoking. Yes, I know you already know them, but writing them down on paper will re-inforce the message. Keep this list on you at all times. Use it as a reminder any time you are tempted to smoke after your quit day.

Keep a diary for a few days, in which you record every cigarette you smoke, exactly when, and the circumstances you reached for each one. This is knowing your enemy, and will help you through any particularly rough patches. If you know when you are going to have one, you can be ready to minimise it, and it won't be a problem.

Let all your friends and aquaintances know what you are doing, and when you are going to stop smoking. This has a twofold purpose. Having someone else support and encourage you is invaluable, especially in the early stages. Plus, you will subconciously not want to fail in front of all these people. A powerful tool.

Do some simple relaxation exercises. Controlled breathing is good. Sit in a comfortable upright chair, feet on the floor. Do not cross your legs. Place your hands on your knees, and breath slowly and regularly in and out. You can close your eyes if it helps you, although this is not a must. Concentrate on each breath, breath from your stomach, letting it relax and swell out when taking air in, and pushing it out when exhaling.

Do this a few times, return to brathing normally, then repeat. If you can find the time to do this (and let's face it how long does a cigarette take to smoke?) say three times a day. Morning, during the day, and at night before sleeping, it will help greatly. Make this a habit in the run up to your quit day.

Get rid of everything to do with smoking in the house, ashtrays, matches, lighters. Cigarettes of course, and maybe a little spring clean to rid the house of any lingering stale smoke smells

Right, you've done your preparation, today's the day. You wake up, you've quit, that's it. That's how to stop smoking quickly. Just remember, take it from day to day. Before you know where you are it's a year down the line and you feel great. Here's a good tip. In the early days when you feel tempted, or maybe someone offers you a cigarette, DO NOT say "No thanks, I quit". Say instead "No thanks, I don't smoke". Welcome to the world of the non-smoker.

Improve Your Health With Chlorella

A lot of us eat without really thinking about the food that we are putting into our bodies. This is extremely unfortunate because diet is crucial to human health. A good diet depends on choosing what to eat and how much to eat, because otherwise food can actually harm someone. People's food choices in Japan have significantly changed in recent years, with the Japanese diet becoming more and more like the American and European diet, leading to an increase in various diseases that are associated with the Western diet increasing in Japan. This new Japanese diet is high in protein and fat and low in fiber, just the way the Western diet is.

These dietary changes have caused an increase in body fat, sticky blood, damaged blood vessel walls, and rise in dietary-related diseases like hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipemia, cancer, heart disease, and cerebrovascular disease. These diseases are abundant in Western countries, with the number one cause of death in the United States being heart disease. It has been found that the main cause of death in many advanced countries is related to diet.

Chlorella has the ability to prevent diseases that are caused by diet. Chlorella is a type of algae, the very origin of the food chain, and is a highly regarded health-food supplement for use in maintaining the human body. Introduced to the health-food marketplace about 40 years ago, chlorella was first established in Japan and today is produced by Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Indonesia.

Not only is it used for health-food supplementation, but also in processed foods, food additives, medication additives, marine feeds, feed additives, and fertilizers. Chlorella is helpful in supplementing nutrients of high-quality, plant-based proteins, vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, and antioxidants. It has been shown to help lower cholesterol, regulate the intestines, detoxify the body, lower blood pressure, and regulate the immune system, In short, chlorella helps the human body to maintain balance.

It is likely that Chlorella appeared on the Earth many thousands of years ago. It is a fresh-water, one-celled green algae that can be found widely in lakes and marshes throughout the world. This plant was discovered and named by M.W. Beyerinck of Holland in 1890. In size, chlorella is 2 to 10 microns, which is slightly smaller than a red blood cell. It is an ancestor of such vegetables as spinach and pumpkins. As compared to other plants, chlorella has a high concentration of chlorophyll, making its capability for photosynthesis many times higher than that of other plants. Because of its high-quality, plant-based protein, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and antioxidants, chlorella is able to maintain human health and prevent and treat disease.

Diseases including hyperlipemia, hypertension, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, heart disease, stroke, and cancer are closely related to diet. Heredity, aging, and environmental factors including chemical substances and stress are also all liked to the above diseases. These diseases are on the rise in advanced countries, with a lot of them being the most prevalent causes of death in many countries. To prevent diet-related illnesses, the diet must be balanced and lowered immune function must be improved.

The body also needs to be protected from health-threatening chemical substances and stress. Scientists have found that Chlorella is effective for balancing the diet, improving lowered cell function and resistance, and detoxifying chemicals and alleviating stress. Many diet-related diseases can be prevented and treated by simply adding Chlorella to ones diet.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Future is Fat

The weight loss industry is perpetuating a con which makes dieters fatter and food manufacturers are colluding with this deadly but profitable strategy.

Adding insult to injury is the perception that those who struggle with their weight are somehow morally inferior to slimmer counterparts, as if strength of character can be judged by tape measure. Compounding the misery is the belief that we must suffer the prolonged deprivation of a diet programme in order to achieve our ideal body weight.

Fat people are often regarded as weak and stupid. Food producers, suppliers and retailers use sophisticated marketing to encourage us to overindulge. But the same media which advertises excessive consumption damns those who do with obsessive coverage of lollipop-headed celebrities, portraying them as ravishing icons of starvation as a lifestyle choice.

This is not a political rant but an observation of how difficult it is to feel happy in your own skin, whatever your shape or size. Eating disorders aren't just limited to teens. They are the 'dirty secret' of untold middle-aged gym bunnies and yummy mummies.

Everyone has their own unique relationship with food based on a complex combination of nature and nurture. Food and comfort go side by side from birth. From an early age we have clear personal tastes and quickly learn that our eating behaviour can be a means to achieve control, win attention or gain rewards. Then there's our appetite and individual physiological response to the nutrients we consume. Another variable is how active we are. Some people are more active than others.

In an age of consumer abundance, all these factors lead to an almost inevitable epidemic of excess. We've literally forgotten how to listen to the signals our very efficient bodies give us when we need refuelling or when the tank is full. Many obese people eat before they get hungry unless they're on a diet when they doggedly ignore their hunger. And instead of stopping when full, many of us are conditioned by the ration-book generation of parents and grandparents to 'waste not want not' and be grateful we're not 'starving Africans'.

A lot of this unhealthy, self-esteem sapping behaviour is habitual and seated deeply within the subconscious, outside of our conscious control or rational powers of reason. Thus it is easy to be overweight, believe you don't eat very much and be genuinely baffled as to how this could have come about.

The process of deconstructing misleading beliefs and expectations starts with our emotional state. Many people think they can only be happy when they are thin when, in fact, creating a happy, positive and motivated state of mind is the first step towards a slimmer waistline rather than the end result.

It is then possible, using the 'modelling' principles of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), to start thinking, feeling and behaving like a person with a healthy body and lifestyle. NLP is a powerful force for change which enables people to see their world differently and work towards realistic goals using all the skills and resources available to them. Applied to weight control objectives, it provides the vision to break the painful and destructive feast-famine cycle of binge-dieting.

Hypnotherapy helps by accessing the habitual hardwiring within the subconscious mind which creates the compulsion to overeat. New eating patterns and a routine increase in physical activity which take into account personal preferences and lifestyle choices can be easily assimilated on a permanent basis. It's this that is the key to long term weight control. A combined programme of hypnotherapy and NLP provides the awareness, desire and capability to stay slim for life.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Health care : Magical Green Tea and Weight Loss

Many years ago, people were curious to know why Japanese people live a lot longer than the people who live in the rest of the world do. They did the research and found that one of the secrets is that they drink green tea. What is so good about green tea? There are many factors involved which we will reveal here. Green tea also has some characteristic that can help people lose weight. This article will explain the relationship between the two and how you can make use of it.

Green tea has many special qualities. One of the benefits that it gives is that it can increase your metabolism. It helps body burn fat more effectively. In more technical term, green tea promotes and stimulates thermo-genesis.

Although people use a lot of green tea nowadays, the use is limited to more of the health improving and maintaining purposes. The use of the product on fat loss is limited. However, there are studies shown that the regular use of green tea can improve your metabolism by almost four per cent. If the method is combined with other fat loss methods, the result will enhance your regular fat loss plan. It can help although you don't do any exercise. The four per cent metabolism increase can happen when you are sitting on your couch and watch TV. In that case, you can still burn an average of 80 calories per day. This is great considering that the average calorie intake is about 2000 calories per day.

It is really recommended that you use green tea to boost the result of other fat loss program. The sole use of green tea for weight loss purpose may not be so effective.
Researches show that green tea for weight loss will work only in combination with other methods not exclusively.

Therefore, you could really use green tea to help you lose weight. This is effective in the condition that you also have a good fat loss program which involves three main aspects
(i) weight training plan
(ii) proper nutrition
(iii) high intensity cardio program.

When all the ingredients are right and in place, then the green tea can be an excellent supplement for fat loss.

In addition, it also has the tranquilizing effect to the body. Green tea can have the calming effect on your body. Besides, it also has anti-oxidant property. This is very good for our today lifestyle and environment.

Therefore, if you want to lose fat and weight, you should consider drinking green tea every day. Make sure that you drink concentrated one not the ready made in bottle which contains a lot of sugar and calories.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Abdomen Fat

Abdomen fat is the plague of humankind. Our bodies are programmed to store most of our fat around our major organs, most of which surround our abdomens. Our stomachs and our backs become breeding grounds for fat cells, and once you start to gain weight, it’s very tough to lose it.

There are hundreds of workout programs, magic pills and diet programs that promise instant success when it comes to losing abdomen fat, but many of them don’t work. These programs and promises also cost a lot of money; money that you may not have and don’t really need to spend in the first place. Instead of panicking and buying into the hype, take a look at some of the things that you could change in your own life that won’t cost you a penny.

Eating Habits

You don’t need to starve yourself in order to lose abdomen fat. In fact, it’s better that you don’t, because once you do, your body goes into starvation mode, which means that everything you do put in your mouth, your body attempts to store as fat.

Instead, eat smaller portions. We tend to eat way too much food at each meal. Each meal portion should be about the size of the palm of your hand. This ensures that your body is being fed, but isn’t going to give it so much food that it can store it into abdomen fat almost immediately.

Next have a look at your diet as a whole. Are you eating enough fruits and vegetables? Are you drinking enough water, and do you reach for a chip bag every time you get the munchies?

When you go shopping, try to buy only healthy foods. Out of sight, out of mind is very true when it comes to eating. If you have a bag of chips in your cupboard, chances are you’re going to eat it at some point. Take that temptation away by not buying it at all.

Stay Active

If you want to shed abdomen fat, you should stay active. Whether this means walking after each meal or joining a gym, the important thing is staying active. Make it a goal to do something for at least 30 minutes each day. Perhaps buy a dog, if that will help you get out of the house for a walk now and then. The important thing is that you stay focused on your task of losing abdomen fat.

Losing abdomen fat doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. You can take simple measure to lose weight and stay healthy by tweaking your lifestyle. Stay focused and persistent, and you’ll soon notice that abdomen fat disappearing.