Sunday, February 15, 2009

Health care : Special Eating Habits for Fast Weight Loss

While it is true that it takes time and patience to lose weight, and that you have to work hard for it, that 'hard work' doesn't mean starving yourself for days on end in the hope of losing a few pounds quick. You may or may not believe it, but it is possible to get rid of fat using healthy and natural means. In this article I will tell you about two such means.

Contrary to what you may be thinking, you won't have to workout at the gym for hours like crazy; it has nothing to do with your workouts and everything with your food habits. Do you know that your food habits can make or break your health? By following a few simple food management tips, you would ensure that you get rid of annoying pounds easily and quickly.

1. Choose healthy meals: This one is quite obvious; you cannot expect to lose weight by eating junk foods, can you? No matter how hard you diet in order to lose weight, your junk food buddies would ensure the return of the 'lost' weight after sometime.

If you want to see permanent weight loss results, there is no way other than replacing your unhealthy foods with their healthier counterparts. Instead of consuming processed foods and fruit juices, burgers and pastries, fried and oily foods, you should consume natural fruits and vegetables, natural fruit juice (you should extract the fruit juice at home as it ensures that no sugary preservatives are added to it), plain water, etc.

You should also stay away from soda, alcohol and soft drinks. These simple but effective modifications in your food habits would help you lose fat much more easily than otherwise.

2. Choose the right portion and time for foods: Eating the right foods is as important as making sure that you don't overeat or don't end up eating at wrong times. Just because apple is a natural fruit doesn't mean that you would eat it in dozens at midnight.

Remember that one apple consists of 100 calories; if you eat too many of them at once, your body would be bombarded with excess calories which it may not need at that moment; consequently, it would store the extra calories as fat.

Likewise, if you eat food at midnight, again your body won't be able to burn all the calories gained from food since it would be inactive during that time. Do you know that you could gain pounds in sleep? If you want to avoid that scenario then don't eat anything after 7PM.

For most people the simple acto f only drinking water and not eating any food will have a profound effect on your ability to lose weight and sleep better.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Secrets to Calorie Counting

The question everyone wants to know the answer to - is there a magic wand when it comes to losing fat and weight loss in a short period of time? Well, believe it or not, there actually is. All you have to do is successfully manipulate your calorie intake in a way that manipulates your body's metabolism.

Sounds complicated? It's not. All it does is cut through the mass of material out there that shows you how to lose weight from this part of your body, and how to go on this diet, and how to take this supplement, etc etc. Any internet search on the subject of weight loss will pull up a myriad of options - 90% of them don't work, and most of them bombard you with jargon and leave you even more confused than when you started.

But the good thing to know is that you don't really need to know all about the science and details of weight and fat loss. It's actually pretty simple, and breaks down something like this: we need calories to function. They are the fuel that we need in order for our bodies to work. They are the gasoline that ensures our engines run smoothly. Without enough calories, like a car with no gasoline, we go nowhere.

The principle of counting calories, and knowing how many you need, is actually pretty easy. It can seem really daunting, and you often find yourself thinking 'is this really worth it?', but it doesn't need to be like this. Every person is different - we all have different needs and requirements when it comes to nutrition and calorie intake, but as an accurate guide, consider the following:

· Calculate the daily calorie intake you need by multiplying your body weight in kilograms by three. For example, if you weigh 80 kilograms, 80 x 3 = 240.

· Next, just add an extra 0 to that number, so we have a total of 2400.

· This is your magic number. In order to maintain your body weight at this present level, you must consume 2400 calories per day.

Therefore, logically, if you want to lose weight, then all you have to do is maintain your current lifestyle but consume less than 2400 calories per day. It's really that easy!

Make sure you pick a diet that works for you - you need to keep your base metabolic rate at a fast level in order to process the calories. Your body is used to a certain amount of calorie intake, so try cutting it down slowly, a bit at a time, and you will begin to see results quickly.

The next dietary strategy that you take depends entirely on you. Now that you know how to manipulate your calorific intake, the influx of diet plans and exercise plans that come your way may make a little bit more sense! In order to burn off a few more calories, take a little light to moderate exercise, and you'll find that the weight will drop off even more quickly. The more you exercise, the more fuel your body needs, and therefore the more calories you burn!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Neuropathic Pain

The brain's sensory cortex, which receives and interprets incoming information, maintains a representation of the body physically within itself. The homunculus is the name given to the diagram obtained when each part of the body is plotted against its place on the sensory cortex, with more important areas of the body being illustrated as larger areas of the brain. Various areas, such as the hands and the lips, take up much more brain area due to their importance in normal function, and it is these most important areas to control which need greater sensory awareness and greater processing power to work out responses.

When we suffer an injury the pain comes directly from that part, streaming in from the highly irritated nerve ends and the normally silent nerves woken up by the chemical soup of the injury. As the barrage of impulses comes in to the spinal cord it meets the second stage nerves which will take the messages on into the central nervous system. These second stage nerves become highly excited by the incoming torrents of impulses and amplify the signal significantly, passing on much higher pain levels to the higher brain centres.

We don't feel pain until it reaches the higher brain centres and intrudes upon our consciousness. In a sense, all our pain is in our minds, as it does not exist unless it gets up to our conscious brain. Our pain is not imaginary, our brains are constantly creating a virtual reality for us to understand the world, a virtual visual reality, a virtual touch reality and also a virtual pain reality when it's appropriate. This concept is important in that it is the brain which constructs our pain reality and not the broken ankle, the slipped disc or the burnt hand.

When a limb in amputated it is obvious the muscles, ligaments and bones are all cut, but what is less clear, and much more important for the future, is that the nerves travelling down the part are also cut through. Cutting the part of the nervous system off from the centre means a sudden loss of incoming signals from the amputated part, with serious side effects for the individual. When the nervous system is deprived of its incoming information the consequences can be unpleasant.

The second stage nerves react badly to being deprived of their incoming streams of impulses, not by going off-line but by doing the opposite, by increasing their reactivity and responsiveness. Because the nerve has been cut and there are not messages coming through they can begin to fire off impulses for no reason, spontaneously. These overexcited nerves can produce a significant pain problem as while the leg does not exist any more the nerves which serve the leg areas are still present in the central nervous system. The brain's sensory areas responsible for the leg are still capable of manufacturing leg pain.

Pain which appears in an area of the body which is now absent is known as phantom pain and is a common side effect of amputation which develops in the weeks and months after the trauma. Phantom pain can be very unpleasant in nature, very deep and cold, or sharp and stabbing and so can be a particularly difficult pain to treat or to cope with. Neuropathic pain is the term for a pain like this which is generated internally by the central nervous system and not as normal pains which are secondary to tissue damage.

Drug treatment of phantom pain is difficult as the morphine chemicals such as morphine, fentanyl, tramadol and codeine are often not very effective. The nerve treatment agents such as amitriptyline, gabapentin and pregabalin are used against neuropathic pain with some effectiveness. Other treatments include transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), an electrode based stimulation treatment which can be self-managed. Cognitive therapy may also be useful to start to cope with what can be a long term problem.

Phantom pain can be an intractable, serious problem for anyone with an amputation, and having significant pain before the amputation may make the likelihood of phantom pain greater. A multidisciplinary approach involving a pain clinic is most likely to be helpful.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Health care : Hemorrhoid Treatment Naturally at Home

In the following few lines I will compare between traditional methods, and one popular natural method known as “Hemorrhoid Miracle” so that you can take a decision on how to treat your hemorrhoids most effectively, most rapidly, and most permanently.

As I am a medical practitioner, I know well traditional methods of hemorrhoid treatment which are also known to all other medical practitioners, nothing new and no secrets. However, the problem of hemorrhoids is prevalent in most communities indicating that traditional methods of treating or preventing hemorrhoids are still not efficient.

Traditional methods of hemorrhoid treatment include:
(1) Dietary modifications; as increasing the volume of fibers in diets, and drinking plenty of water. The aim of these modifications is to prevent constipation which has a worsening effect of hemorrhoid symptoms.
(2) Behavioral modifications such as avoiding sitting or standing in one place for a long time, ice followed by hot fomentations, bed rest for severe pain, multiple daily sitz baths, and using cotton undergarments.
(3) Local medial treatment; as local zinc, local hydrocortisone creams, suppositories as H preparation, and local analgesics and anesthetics.
(4) Surgical treatments as rubber band ligation, and surgical or laser removal of hemorrhoids.

Dietary and behavioral modifications appear more natural and safe but includes many hidden secrets that are still unknown by many doctors, may be because traditional medicine rapidly shift to drugs and surgery.

Local medical treatment is practically ineffective and if there is some effect, it is usually slight and transient so that symptoms rapidly recur once the treatment is stopped. The other disadvantage of medical treatment is the side effects associated with prolonged use as it is well known that if these medications are used for more than 7-10 days, they carry the risk of damage to the area and hypersensitivity.

Surgical treatment has 4 major disadvantages; first it is the most expensive, second it requires hospital stay for a few hours to few days, depending on the method used, third disadvantage is the pain which occurs post-operatively which is sometimes so severe that it requires morphia, the fourth disadvantage of surgical treatment of hemorrhoids is recurrence, yes the hemorrhoids may recur after a variable duration of time.

The “Hemorrhoid Miracle” method involves several unknown natural secrets such as Chinese "Fargei" remedy, the exact 4-element diet, time-tested 60 second exercise to forever end constipation and many more natural secrets. In contrast to traditional methods, natural methods of hemorrhoid treatment have several advantages with little or no disadvantages. Advantages include the following:
- High success rate: although there are no controlled studies defining the success rate of this method, it is obvious that it is the best of all the traditional methods combined.
- Completely natural: as there are no drugs, or chemicals used, no side effects, contraindications, or drug interaction. So patients suffering of other health disease or taking other medications still can use the method safely.
- Rapid results: in most cases it results in cure of hemorrhoids in 48 hours.
- No risk of recurrence: because of its natural nature, the results are long lasting.
- Other health benefits: this method improves bowel habits in general resulting in more healthy and regular bowl habits and less constipation.