Losing weight can be difficult when you don't know how. You have probably tried loads of different diets, and none of them work. Or maybe they did, but then you just put all the weight right back on again? The process of dieting and then gaining the weight, then dieting again is called yo-yo dieting.
The true “secret” to weight loss is to aim to lose fat at a healthy and steady pace. Losing too much fat, too fast makes your body go into “starvation mode” and slows your metabolism so weight loss stops and it can be difficult to lose any more. You may also find that the weight you lose quickly this way will just be regained almost as fast as it was lost so going on a diet in the first place wasn't a good idea after all.
So how can you lose weight at a steady and healthy rate?
It has been said time and time again, but a healthy, calorie controlled diet along with exercise will help you shed those pounds safely and in a way that will help you keep it off. Losing around 1-2 pounds of fat each week is what you should be aiming for in terms of how much weight you should be expecting to lose.
A healthy diet generally consists of fresh vegetables, fruit, wholegrains and lots of vitamins and minerals. Reducing the number of calories you consume is a must. Excess calories that are taken in are then stored in the body as fat. There are approximately 3500 calories in every pound of fat. This should give you an idea of how much you need to cut down your calories by to lose the recommended amount of fat each week.
The mistake that most people make, is that they think that eating only one type of food group will make them lose weight. There are so many diets that restrict certain food types such as carbohydrates, fats, etc. To cut out a certain type of food or nutrient isn't a healthy thing to do.
You should aim to include all food types and nutrients in your diet, but remember to keep them in moderation.