Monday, April 21, 2008

Not Getting Enough Sleep?

Are you always tired? Do you find yourself falling asleep at your desk at work or nodding off behind the wheel at night? You could be suffering from sleep deprivation which is defined as the general lack of necessary amount of sleep as a result of a sleep disorder or an active choice. Chances are most people have suffered from temporary lack of sleep at some point in their lives, but it becomes a serious issue when you cannot function in your daily life.

Possible causes may include lifestyle, health complications, medication side effects and clinical disorders. It is important to find out the cause to determine the best possible treatment. Did you know that over 50% of people over 64 years old suffer from a sleep disorder? Even though older people get just as much sleep they do not get enough REM sleep which is the deepest and most restorative kind.

The effects of lack of sleep can be deadly as studies have shown on tests performed on animals. It can have serious effects on our overall health in physical and mental impairments. It decreases our ability to think, handle stressful situations, and maintain a healthy immune system. It affects the hormone levels physiological processes can also cause drastic weight gain. Being tired makes people hungrier, feeling less satisfied and therefore eating more.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, 22 million Americans suffer from sleep deprivation. In a recent poll, half of employees reported that sleepiness on the job interferes with performance at work. We live in a 24/7 society with work and home life becoming a blur. People are constantly connected to their workplaces even during vacations thanks to new technology. 58% of people surveyed said they bring home work at night to finish leaving less time for family and sleep and 26% would like to take naps during work breaks if allowed to. Longer working hours causes impatience, irritability, lower productivity, and difficulty concentrating. So, try to get your 8 hours a night and work smarter not harder!

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