Monday, September 8, 2008

Home Spa Treatments

Every women love to look beautiful and attractive. These are many products present in the market that can increase the beauty of a person but these treatments can be harmful as they contain amount of chemicals. You can solve your problem by making spa products in with your kitchen elements as these products are free from chemicals.

The making time takes also less time and you can use it any time you want to pleasure with them. This home made spa products are also costs less and beneficial too. You can follow the steps that are mentioned below and keep yourself healthy and fresh.

First thing you have to do is cleanse your face with gentle cleanser as it is good to take out the extra oil from the surface of the skin. You should use the cleansing products according to the type of your skin as if you have oily kind of skin you must use strong cleanser and if you have dry skin you should use a creamy content holder cleanser.

After that, use an exfoliater in circular motion and gently rub exfoliating cream in order to remove dead skin cells. You should focus on the areas of your face that tend to be oiliest and these areas are usually the T-zone such as forehead, nose and chin. You have to give steam your face after that as steam is much gentler than that used at the spa. To give steam to your body you have to fill your bathroom sink with warm water. Now, dip your washcloth in the water and press to your face gently. You can repeat the process two to three times.

After taking steam to your skin, a mask is necessary. If you have oily or combination skin you can use a clay-based mask and if you have dry skin, you must use a hydrating mask. Apply mask to the skin, being careful to avoid the eye area and leave mask on for 10 to 20 minutes or as directed. This will prove glow and beauty to skin.

No skin treatment can be completed by the moisturizer; you have to apply a light moisturizer in order to prevent dehydrating the skin. You should look for a moisturizer with SPF 15 or higher in order to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays.

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