Sunday, March 22, 2009

How To Get Rid Of Thigh Fat

There are a great deal of misconceptions about inner thigh fat and how to get rid of it, just as there are equally a number of ways that are effective. Here we will expose a few of these misconceptions, and try to point you in the right way to achieve your goals: the reduction of fatty deposits in the inner thighs.
The most common mistake that people make is that you can localize your fat reduction in the body - for example, you can reduce the amount of fat build-up in your inner thighs without tackling the rest of the body. Unfortunately this is just not true. If an exercise program promises to reduce only the fat on the thighs, then it's probably too good to be true.
Your metabolic rate is the key here - your metabolic rate is the rate at which your body processes the calories from the food that you consume. The higher your metabolic rate, the quicker you process the fat naturally present in the foods you eat, simple as that. Your metabolic rate relates to ALL of the fat processes in your body - it's not confined to just one area such as the thighs.
You might well have found that eating just 2-3 times a day also isn't working. This, again, is a common misconception. Every time we eat, our metabolic rate is boosted a little - this can work to your advantage if you eat smaller portions around 5-6 times a day. Remember - the faster your metabolic rate the faster your body will process the calories. By eating 2-3 times a day you are not giving your body the metabolic boost it needs to process the fat. Also, you will more than likely go through long periods of hunger, where your metabolic rate drops to its lowest.
The 5-6 portions you eat per day also need to be small - it will do you no good eating 5 full-sized meals a day. When you are full, you get bloated and lethargic as your body concentrates its energy onto the food that you have consumed. Also, your stomach will not tell you when it has consumed enough. Studies have shown that it actually takes up to 30 minutes for the brain to tell you that you are full - so you could have been eating for 30 minutes unnecessarily.
Also, take a look at the foods that you eat in your 5-6 portions a day. The following foods are full of saturated fat and trans-fatty acids that contain a load of sugar which is turned into fat by the body:
• Jam
• Cakes
• Candies
• Cookies
• Fried foods
So, to get rid of the unsightly thigh fat, you need to reduce the overall intake of fat into your body - even if the thigh area is the only part of your body where fat accumulates.
Exercise is always good for a number of reasons when it comes to getting rid of thigh fat. Some specialized exercises for the thighs are actually good (check out the local gym for specialized machines), but the best effects can actually come from exercises that boost your metabolic rate. Just as eating the small portions, a little light exercise for 30 minutes a day can have the same effect.
Some of the exercises that have proved great for the reduction of thigh fat are below. Most of these work by building the muscles around the thigh area, and therefore reducing the amount of fat stored there.
• Power or incline walking
• Swimming
• Jogging
• Rollerblading
• Jumping on a trampoline
• Circuit training with weights

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