Friday, April 10, 2009

Constipation and Hemroids

Hemroid Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Did you know that about 50% of the population are currently suffering from, or have previously suffered from hemorrhoids? This condition is more common than you think and it is the following individuals who are particularly susceptible:

Hard laborers
Long distance drivers
Office workers
Overweight individuals
Pregnant women
Weight lifters
This type of a medical condition appears as tiny lumps on the lower part of the rectum, which is a result of a swelling of the veins. There are two types of hemroids: internal and external.

The internal condition appears inside the anus and the lower rectum. On the other hand, the external condition appears as a small swelling which can be visibly seen on the opening of the anus.

So what exactly is the root cause of this medical condition? Basically, they occur because the veins around the rectum become distended as a result of lack of support from other tissues.

Hemroid and Constipation

If a person lacks fiber in his or her diet, constipation is most likely to occur. Constipation is actually the most common cause of hemorrhoids because this health condition makes it difficult for stool to pass through the body.

Hemroids Relief

Remember that hemorrhoid is a medical condition which is found in almost 50% of the population. As such, it is a must to know what early hemorrhoid symptoms you should watch out for.

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