We buy all kinds of potions and creams to try to ward off the aging process of the skin, some to little effect. Consider some of these options.
In the grand scheme of things, this is really the best thing is for aging skin, a multi-pronged approach. This can be obtained using a mixture of surgical and non-surgical to the desired effect. Let us recapitulate what led to what happens to our skin.
The experts have divided the cases of hereditary factors means that your genetic and external factors such as smoking, weight and sun exposure since childhood. There is little you can read about the old, but you do have the choice to them.
The main culprit is probably the sun, and if we took more care at an early age, could be many signs that we forgive excessive sunlight, such as fine wrinkles, reduce itching, and dry transparent or loose skin.
The board complete and comprehensive support for solar are already in another place, if you want to read it, but the health message is clear and all too often ignored.
For those who think it's too late, that's really the best thing is for aging skin, the use of methods or cosmetic surgery techniques such as surface chemical peels and laser for the vast majority, which is not affordable or accessible, so that we can to raise the effective skin care products currently on the job.
But cutting through the hype, trial and error can be a little tedious and expensive, as you would jump from a cream to another. However, there are small gems that find what they say without making a big effort in the process.