Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Botox treatments: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Botox (short for "botulinum toxin") has truly revolutionized the treatment of skin aging, and it is now the most popular non-surgical cosmetic procedures performed by doctors. Many people still do not know about certain aspects of it, but with current questions ...

1. What is Botox? It is a purified protein that when injected into a muscle, which cause temporary relaxation of muscles. Frown lines, worry lines and laugh lines are all caused by repeated contraction of facial muscles and relaxing the muscles with Botox is a fast, safe and effective soft and smooth wrinkles.

2. What happens during treatment? The current procedure takes only 5-10min and contains a few injections of Botox solution directly into the major muscle groups, causing wrinkles.

3. What aftercare is required? You are advised to stop and try to practice, based on different facial expressions, the treated areas for 2-4 hours after the injections.

4. How long will the effects be felt? The results are not immediate and usually a few days to be felt at first. The full impact of the rule takes about 7-14 days.

5. How many visits to a cosmetic surgeon is necessary? Most people have 3-4 Botox treatments a year early, in order to achieve and maintain younger, fresher skin. This frequency may be reduced after the first year, when the skin becomes more sensitive to the use of Botox.

6. If I do not repeat the treatment to hang my face? Absolutely not. The treatment is completely reversible, there are no lasting effects. In fact, the skin is probably from the period of reduced muscle contraction, have benefited as wrinkles, is slower during this period.

7. Gel is Botox 'my face and make me expressionless? No, definitely not. It is only on the specific muscles that are responsible for minimizing your wrinkles, the possible loss of facial expression.

8. Are there any side effects? There may be slight discomfort when the needle goes the skin, and there is the possibility of a small bruise at the injection site. Other side effects are rare, but even slight decrease of the eyelid, which usually disappear within a week or two, and headaches. No part of the long-term effects have been reported.

9. Is it safe? Botox is considered a very safe drug. It is now of medical authorities in over 70 countries worldwide. It is widely used in the cosmetic industry in the last 15 years.

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