Monday, June 25, 2012

Benefits of lemon juice - skin care at home

Discover the health benefits of lemon juice! Lemons are small, oval, yellow fruit in Citrus Limonium grown evergreen tree. Lemon juice contains citric acid, making it a very sour, bitter taste. Most people do not drink lemon juice by itself. It can damage tooth enamel if used at full power. Instead, dilute or scatter as flavorings in foods and beverages. It is delicious in salads or salmon. Use it in water or tea. Only a very small amount is needed. Lemon juice contains the benefits of vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C and E. The vitamin C content is very high. A quarter cup of lemon juice provides more than 33% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C. A cup of lemon oil contains about 60 calories, 2 mg sodium, 6 grams of sugar, 1 gram protein, 1 gram dietary fiber. Lemons are not refined sugar, natural and easily absorbed into the body. Lemons contain minerals such as: calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium, zinc and other nutrients. Lemon juice has antibacterial and antioxidant benefits! It is healthy for the body, inside and out! HEALTH Helps digestion - heartburn, bloating, nausea, constipation Fight the infection - sore throat, tonsillitis, coughs, colds, urinary Weight Loss Blood pressure lowering Stimulates the immune system ADVANTAGES OF THE SKIN Reduction of acne Exfoliating dead skin cells Rid of Blackheads Fade dark spots, discoloration and scars Reduce fine lines and wrinkles Reduce oily complexion Homemade recipes and skin care tips: 1 - Try rubbing lemon juice on the spots at night, then rinse with cold water in the morning. A light moisturizer after washing. After this skin care regiment, every day, helps prevent blackheads and that future outbreaks. Try to delete, acne lesions or scars, with a touch up, then rinse with cold water - 2. 3 - Mix 1 teaspoon honey, 1 drop of almond oil and 3 drops of lemon juice in a homemade face mask diluted. The mixture on the stand for 15 to 20 minutes, resting, then rinse with cold water. This home facial treatment helps fade dark spots, discolorations, fine lines and wrinkles. It peels dead skin cells and gives a natural glow to the skin. WARNING! Lemon juice is slightly acidic. This antioxidant juice can sting, temporarily, when applied to the skin. Dilute juice with water, then carefully remove the skin with a soft cotton ball. If you use allergy to citrus fruits lemon juice topically or internally, you do not consult your doctor if necessary.

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