Saturday, July 12, 2008

3 Skin Care Myths Revealed

There are many skin care myths making their way from ear to ear. How many of us have heard that chocolate causes breakouts? I’m sure that 99 percent of readers have heard that particular saying at least once in their life. For many of us who did not major in dermatology, it is often difficult to figure out whether certain beauty speculations are in fact true or are they simply fiction. Well here are a few skin care myths revealed.
Many people, especially young adults, don’t fear the sun. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard from other people that going out in the sun this one time without sunscreen will not damage my skin. Wrong! Each and every single unprotected sun exposure causes damage to your skin. No matter how young you are. Although the results are not seen right away, they will be visible as your skin matures. Premature aging, wrinkles, and skin cancer are just a few of the bad side effects of unprotected sun exposure. Exposure to the suns harmful rays accounts for 90 percent of premature aging. So don’t ever think that this one time without sunscreen won’t have an effect on your skin.
Another skin care myth is that acne is caused by what you eat. This is completely not true. Acne is caused by overproduction of sebum (oil) and obstruction of the pores. The amount of sebum that your body produces is regulated by your hormones, not by your diet. So the next time you hear that chocolate will make you break out, remember that this is just a skin care myth. And lastly, many women believe that men don’t have as many skin problems as women. This is a big myth. Men suffer from wrinkles and many other skin conditions. As a matter of fact, men often show signs of wrinkles earlier than women because they rarely protect their skin from the sun. These are just a few skin care myths revealed.

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