Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Top Traits of a Successful Weight Loser

Who is a successful weight loser? If you thought it was only models with hourglass figures or film stars with rippling muscles and washboard abs, then you are quite off the mark. That thought of your itself projects the truth about the hype and myth created by weight loss supplements companies.Exercise is tough, get our magical pills, and Oh, Please do not forget to bring your credit card!It could even be you. Not surprisingly, successful weight losers are normal people like you and me. However, there are some traits that make all the difference between losing and winning. Interestingly, most of these are not new or hi-fi but simple, practical tips that each one of us can incorporate in our day-to-day lives. Take a look:Commitment to exercise: A strong and lifelong commitment to exercise is an absolute must. Aerobic exercises like walking, jogging, or swimming should be part of your daily routine.Find pleasure in exercise: You should enjoy exercising and try to make it interesting and enjoyable. The idea behind this is obvious. If you want to continue your schedule for long you must seek pleasure from it. Besides this you must improvise with your exercise habits from time to time. Remember, good music, a willing partner and an interesting schedule can become important tools for making exercise enjoyable.Inculcate healthy sleeping habits: Typically exercisers are early risers and prefer to work out first thing in the morning.Quantify your success: You try on old clothes that are gradually becoming loose or buy a tighter pair of jeans and watch as they finally fit. However, successful weight losers don't weigh themselves everyday.Eat healthy food: Eating balanced wholesome meals regularly is the key to successful weight loss. Remember, a successful weight loser gradually changes his eating habits. Deprivation does not lead to weight loss.Do weight training: Make this a part of your lose weight campaign. Do weight training for two to three times a week to maintain good body shape and metabolic rate.Walk, walk and walk: Regular walking for about an hour a day is one of the most important and affordable traits of a successful weight loser. An average successful weight loser burns up about 400 calories per day in physical exerciseFinally, always keep in mind that losing weight is a long, drawn-out process and you have to be persistent and determined to achieve the desired result. Make these traits a part of your routine and you will be simply amazed at the results.

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