Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sleep Well - be Happy

We all need a good nights sleep, you just need to look at yourself in the mirror and you will see the signs if you don't get it! People around you can also be affected by your lack of sleep as your mood may not be good, your concentration and communication skills will be poor and your patience could be non-existent.
Each person requires a different amount of sleep each night, but we all know when we missed the right amount. Keep a record of your sleep pattern and at the end of a week, see when you functioned at your best. This may well be a sign that you slept well.We all have times when the world is trying to wreck your 'beauty sleep' and although it seems out of our control there are a few things we can do to help:
Outside noise - close windows or use ear plugs.
Heat - a regular temperature, suitable for you, is a must for a good nights sleep
Poor Air Quality - try using a dehumidifier or a fan.
Interruptions - Close the door, Turn off the phone, If necessary put your Mobile on silent mode.
Day light - Wear eye pads or use thick curtains to block out some of the light
Overactive mind - Listen to some chill-out music or try an aromatherapy bath.
Over indulgence - don't eat too late in the day and drink plenty of fresh water

Sleep loss can increase hunger and affect your body's metabolism, which may make it more difficult to lose or gain weight. People who lose sleep may continue to feel hungry despite adequate food intake because their sleep loss has been shown to affect the secretion of cortisol, a hormone that regulates appetite.

Make sure you get your correct level of sleep as often as possible and be happy!

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