Thursday, November 5, 2009

About Omega-3 Benefits You Should Know

If a fire starts in the kitchen, you turn it off or let your house burn down? I hope your answer would be deleted! Although this analogy may seem absurd, it describes perfectly the benefits of omega-3 from a general perspective. This is because omega-3 for the general health by reducing inflammation processes in many different areas of the body to improve.

In the body, almost every action a reaction at all. This occurs when the internal and external factors such as diet and exposure to allergens or toxins. Often this will produce internal and / or external factors that sometimes the inflammation is obvious (allergies), joint pain, and at other times hidden (heart attack or stroke).

Areas of omega-3 benefits are the most common: the joints of the brain, digestion, heart, immune system, skin and vision.

It is important to note that although omega-3 health benefits that many of the quality of food or food supplements, which contain them are dependent. In terms of supplements such as purity and efficacy of fish oil are key elements. The question of purity is probably the most important because of high concentrations of mercury (and other toxins) in many fish. For why you should be complementary, the toxins in the body is placed and the establishment of inflammation, if your goal is to reduce inflammation. The good news is that manufacturers have figured out supplement of the highest quality from this and use a variety of advanced distillation to ensure purity. However, labels, and always keep in mind that may not have the option of the lowest prices check so effective.

Another important point is the omega-3 fatty acids that are soluble in water, which means they can not be stored by the body. If you are on a diet, which are a steady stream contains fish, whole grains, olive oil, fruit and vegetables, garlic, and the chances that you already received many benefits of omega-3.

Unfortunately, the diet of the western style, which often do not contain many of the above foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids are mentioned. And if they are often the health benefits have been boiled away. An example would be olive oil, which loses the most value when heated.

In the diet of Western-style beef is often substituted for fish and replace carbohydrates such as potatoes for vegetables.

Another eye-opening statistic is, that suffer from health problems, diets that an imbalance of omega-6 and omega-3 are associated with. Beef is rich in omega-6 and contains little or no omega-3. A healthy diet should contain 2 to 4 times more omega-6 than omega-3 fatty acids. The typical Western diet typically contains 14 to 25 times more omega-6. Modern research has isolated this imbalance as an important factor in the rising rate of inflammatory disease in the United States.

What's Next? Certainly, the first step is to eat a balanced and accurate description of oil omega 3 and omega-6-Oil above imbalance. In addition, a pharmaceutical grade fish oil supplement deploy rich in omega 3 fatty acids known purity and an excellent way to correct this imbalance, reduces inflammation and improves the general health of course.

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