Saturday, November 7, 2009

Best abdominal exercises

The truth is that it is never too late to start abdominal exercises. Whatever your current condition, abdominal exercises can be done by people of all levels. Want to sport the perfect "six-pack?

Maybe just a little would suffice invigorating? Maybe you can try to lose weight after pregnancy. In any case, abdominal exercises can be easier than it first seems, and if the commitment and stay with your goals, you will see the effects sooner rather than later! What should not forget the importance of adjusting your exercise program with the right system and is aware of nutritional needs. In the meantime, we recommend that some heart not for the best results. Some things to keep in mind.

If you are a beginner in the world of abdominal exercise are, you may need a few guidelines to be able to start. This article will give you some of the best abdominal exercises that you can try. Of this you need three or four in order to get the ball rolling. The aim of these exercises three to five times per week. When you begin, you should repetitions of abdominal exercises that are most convenient for you to do more reps each time, when your time has come. Once you see start to get results, then try some other exercises. Without further ado, here are what is considered the best abdominal exercises:

Start with the "crisis of cycling." You need a position flat on the floor and press your lower back on the floor. The hands must be kept on the side of the head and raised his knees to about 45 degrees. Begin to move your legs as if you were a bike at a steady pace and then take on arm movement by touching your right elbow to left knee, followed by the left elbow to right knee. Think keep you in mind to resist breathing regularly and train on his neck.

If you have access to an exercise ball, think, do crunches. Sit on the exercise ball and your feet flat on the floor. Gently let the ball back and have to move with your body until your thighs and torso are parallel to the ground. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your upper body at an angle of 45 degrees and hold for a few seconds, then slowly RELEASE. Repeat this movement. The more your feet you together is the minimum balance required to work more on the oblique muscles.

Then crunch on the "vertical leg." Lie on your back and legs toward the ceiling with a light at the knees. Try to keep your legs in this position is to keep your abdominal muscles contract and lift your knees to your chest. Hold this position for several seconds before the descent and then repeated the motion.

Because "the board", with his face against the ground with the forearms and toes on the floor, press your body and place you in a straight line from head to toe. Hold this position for start ten seconds. Over time you will be the position for a long time to maintain.

Another abdominal exercise is the great "Oblique" Crunch. Lie down, bend your knees and place your feet firmly on the ground. Move your legs so they rest on the floor on the right side. Place your hands on the side of the head, not remembering to pull the neck. Push your lower back and slowly roll on the floor on their shoulders a few inches of soil. Hold for two seconds and lower yourself down. This measure should be repeated with the legs on each side of the body.

Finally, if you want to be a superhero "Superman change. This exercise is best achieved with the use of a gym mat. With his face against the ground and lift his arms above his head, like Superman. Lift the left leg and right arm, about six inches of the mat and hold for a few seconds. alternate with the right leg and left arm. Repeat.

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