Saturday, November 7, 2009

Causes of white heads - Have you Whiteheads?

Having built whiteheads sometimes cause confusion if, due to the reason that our skin is unhealthy, or just because we enjoy do not think so interested in our face. Whiteheads are often on our faces in some areas of our cheeks, nose, forehead, and also observed.

The appearance of white spots panic in some people. And they have reason to believe that it is not healthy because whiteheads can be dirty look, especially when it is growing in number. Some would even go so far as to see their dermatologist at the first sign of White Head.

One could say that the white spots that are not the same as the acnes. Wrong. Whitehead also acnes, but has a different look. Apart from the whiteheads can do for your face is the same as acne, apart from large, thick and ugly.

Puberty has a lot to do, like whiteheads POP nowhere. The same as for acne, that we know, the hormonal changes during this scene to do something. In the natural process of our body oils are so drawn to meet toxins and oils that are harmful to our bodies, too. And so we experience the transition in our body to be a child and a young boy, with oils, which are transformed by our bodies apart and emit more configure oil habit.

With the abundance of oil to be fired, then passing blockage of the pores. The blockade of oil into the pores of our faces eventually preventing the emission of toxins and other oil-producing whiteheads as an aftereffect.

Get rid of white dots is easy, but mostly we are blinded by products such as cosmetics and cleaning products for the face that the situation will worsen. It is possible that the products we rely on may be the reason for the crescent of white dots.

Choose carefully from cosmetic products is one way to prevent whiteheads. Oil cosmetic base is very effective for whiteheads have. So, if you do not want whiteheads, then do not buy this type of product. Are you looking for professional help is a good thing to do, especially if you do not use it safely or to buy.

How do you think that the care of the face as expensive as buying a car, think again. You can cleanse your face before going to sleep one extra mile to help make it blemish free.

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